Shouts about...

Anna 2013

had some nice ingredients to be a good movie but then there was the ending which sucked

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It was good, with doubt if the girl is guilty or not. The idea of ​​the memory detective is original

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Shout by Xzenor

You could see that ending coming from a mile away..
Somewhere in the beginning of the movie he's noticing some guy that's completely blurred out, then not much later he explains to the girl that she could see some shadow of him in her memories but that she won't recognize him as such.
1+1 = a ruined surprise.

The first part of the movie however is not bad at all. A bit slow but the plot builds up okay.. then by the time the boss appears into the memory it goes downhill REALLY fast...
He's making assumptions for no reason, he's a completely different character all of a sudden.

it pulled the movie from an 8 to barely a 6..

Then the ending part of his wife is completely weird. It makes absolutely no sense at all.

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The whole movie was quite good but then the ending...

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2023-11-14T22:58:06Z— updated 2024-01-29T12:02:44Z

Taissa is just something else. She managed to make this movie watchable while not being the main character and the actual main character being unlikeable. Mark Strong should just stick to what he's good at—playing the bad guy.

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Not bad. Strong performance by Mark Strong. Excellent casting of Taissa Farmiga. She's the perfect type of white girl to straddle the line between abused victim and manipulative perpetrator. Honestly it's almost like she's typecast as that. Even though I could see the ending from the halfway point if not before. It was a fun ride getting there. I wasn't sure after all if it would turn out that way until midway through act three. While it is a bit dark visually. It is nothing that doesn't work with the narrative themes. I respect it most for having an ending that didn't give up. You get an ending that feels closed.

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The idea sounded reasonably interesting - interesting enough to tune in on a boring evening. But there was really little about the film that didn't disappoint. None of the characters were gripping, that of the boss even seemed stoically forced to give input to the plot - which all too often seemed barely comprehensible. The direction lacked any thrill - perhaps also the budget?
The film had a few twists, but actually not a single one that I will remember tomorrow.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
.5 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

-.5 / 1 misc (predictable)

6 / 10

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