Shouts about...

Antigone 2019

[Filmin] Antígona represents rebellion against the abuse of power, the confrontation between theocracy and a democracy with deficiencies. The subject does not fit quite well in a contemporary story. To achieve this, the director opts for eliminating all poetic traces and stripping the story to create a kind of more or less correct telefilm. And in the final part she twists the drama to justify herself.

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Like a first date that goes super well but then your date gets up on the table and pees on your dinner.

Much of Antigone (a reworking of the Sophocles play--and bravo to Sophie Desrapes for keeping the original first names!) is the cries of a young woman trying to sing, but so passionate that her voice keeps cracking. There were some missteps but there was so much feeling it didn't matter if the film wasn't perfect.

This film is pretty simplistic.

I told myself as I wiped the tears from eyes.

Then the ending came and WTF!? The plot twist was so ridiculous the only way the actors could save it was by slipping into melodrama. Such a shame for a film to go off track so close to the finish line, but at least I got to enjoy the first two acts.

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