Shouts about...

Archipelago 2011

I get that the film is meant to be analogous to painting a picture. My problem with the movie is that there was nothing really compelling about the movie. I kind of felt how the hired help probably felt - it seemed as though the family (and their issues) were not accessible to me. Sure, I could gather the struggles that were going on (and the history behind them) - they just seemed to be off in the distance. I think that fact reduced the impact of the director's attempt to paint her picture. It felt like this film was done better in Woody Allen's Interiors.

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"It is not really what you do, it's more the intensity by what you do it."

Families that have a hard time being together is usually something I enjoy to see, but I did find this a little slow and boring. It could be because of how they filmed it, but if you are into really slow burns, maybe this might be for you.

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