Shouts about...

Army of Darkness 1992

A perfect end to a very funny series. All this people thinking they were getting anything but perfect b grade cult movie are idiots. This movie spawned some of the greatest lines in Duke Nukem 3D, and is a perfect way to end the trilogy :D

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Shout by Kurtis Money

So weird this movie is set in medieval times. I've been looking at this poster for years and years, heard people reference it, and it's set in medieval times. Who would have thought at the end of the first movie this is where it would end up. Either way, it was a fun movie, had that Evil Dead touch, and the ending is hilarious. Wasn't until then that I realized S-Mart spells Smart. haha. Now I want to watch the show.

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More of an action film than its horror rooted predecessors. Ash is at his best in this one with so many hilarious one liners. Another great entry to the series.

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Diablo; instead of the Dark Wanderer, we got Ash and his axe.

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Shout by Deleted

My least favorite of the trilogy but yet very good!
Very silly and nonsense but it's absolutely pure fun! The Evil Dead trigoly is one of the best trilogies that I've seen. All three are the perfect horror-comedy films.

Bruce Campbell is the man!

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Gimme some sugar baby.. :grin:

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2023-06-10T11:05:28Z— updated 2023-06-11T16:27:21Z

This is probably the boldest Evil Dead film, and I’m here for it. Think Evil Dead 2 mixed with Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It’s less gory than the previous installments and more of an absurdist comedy filled with hilarious, cheesy one-liners. Maybe it doesn’t have as many iconic moments as Evil Dead 2, maybe Raimi pushes the weirdness too far occasionally, but overall I think this is the most entertaining one. Lots of campy fun, lots of flashy directing, lots of manic and unpredictable moments. Visually it has easily aged the best out of the entire trilogy, and Bruce Campbell is at the height of his powers here. It’s also the first Raimi film where you really notice the influence his directing style has had on Edgar Wright.


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oohh, may a say too, I HATE ALL THE LOVER INTERESTS OF ASH! Must be terrible be a actress in this times, the roles are do lame... and all the woman characters are sexualized. So sad, and for this i always see them we pointeless

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now this is a decent movie, buuuuut the characters are really lame, and they make again a quick soft rebot of the 2 first. i dont get it!
Is the first time that i embrace the goofiness, the camp vibe and the really over the top acting of Bruce Campbell. And yes this is more action/epic movie and nothing of a terror one. And sorry, i dont know how this franchise became a hit, is not all this...

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Sam Raimi went medievel on their ass.

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What a fun movie! Pure entertainment! The outdated special effects from the early 90’s also got some laughter out of me and of course Ash’s epic one-liners are to die for.

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What a great way to end the trilogy. This one is the silliest of the bunch but an absolute blast from start to finish. It has very different kind of absurdity. It leans more towards fantasy comedy with some horror but still manages to stay in the spirit of previous Evil Dead films maintaining that ridiculously over the top energy and injecting more comedy and ass-kicking into it. Bruce Campbell really shines and it looks like he's having so much fun in this one. He's back giving all his slapstick acting with his hilarious expressions and his golden words. As usual, the practical effects are top notch and the fighting sequences are really sick. Not as violent as previous two but it's so fun it sticks with you. And god, that ending! They don't make fun trilogy like this anymore.

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Always been my lease favorite of the series by far, but it's still so damn fun! So many great one-liners. Such a goofy good time!

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This one has not aged too well

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“Shop smart. Shop S-Mart.” The Evil Dead trilogy comes to an epic conclusion in Army of Darkness, a classic horror comedy from writer/director Sam Raimi. After being sent back in time to the Middle Ages, Ash must do battle with a Deadite army in order to secure the Necronomicon and return home. Bruce Campbell is outstanding, and does a great job playing multiple characters and delivering the slapstick. And Raimi goes all out with the comedic tone; which makes for a really fun adventure. Some of the effects are a little cheesy and cartoonish, but they also give the film a unique look. Arguably the best of the Evil Dead trilogy, Army of Darkness is full of laughs and thrills.

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Shout by Dr Octopus

It's really disappointing to watch this directly after the first two - Bruce was just so amazing in them, and so were the stop motion effects.

The lack of actual horror makes this one very cheesy and it's really a shame how over produced it became. That people decided to control it instead of letting the creators do what they wanted... And we ended up with the ending like we did.

I always enjoyed this movie when I was young - but watching it again and cringing so much at the extreme changes in Ash's character changes and the weird womanizing stuff. It was turned up to 11...

I do like the skeletons

Also how convenient was it that he had a book in the trunk of his car that explained how to make gunpowder? I can suspend my belief for a lot of things... But like... ‍♂

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First of all: what in the goofy hell did I just watch

Second of all: my depression is now gone

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In my opinion, "Army of Darkness" is probably the most stylistically sound film of the original "Evil Dead" trilogy. I believe Sam Raimi knew exactly what kind of movie he wanted to make. The end result is a slapstick comedy with a few horror elements. Bruce Campbell really cranks it up this time. You could probably replace him with Jim Carrey, and it would hardly change the final movie. The plot is silly, of course, but overall it doesn't matter. The continuity was laid to rest here. The effects, meanwhile, continue to impress quite a bit. Even if the film fails as a sequel to the second installment, I can't help but smile and say: Groovy!

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Continuity doesn't exist in these movies, and this one was even sillier and more slapstick than Evil Dead 2, but at least with this one it really leaned into it hard. This one was dumb as hell but I enjoyed watching it, and I imagine it was fun to make. I didn't realize until at least halfway through that Sheila was Miss Honey! Also had no idea going in that this is what the skeleton playing the bone flute was from, that I see all the time in gif form across the internet.

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Well, it's the only part of the trilogy that looks like a film. Two previous are terrible, when I was watching them I had a strong feeling that it had been made by some crasy school boys and recorded on the phone. There is no plot and you can easily fit all the story in 15 minutes video. However, Army of Darkness features better story, though it's still utterly ridiculous but very funny.

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I liked the scene when he told the skeletons to keep their filthy bones out of his mouth

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Undeniably a fun time, I can see why it’s so iconic and why it can be someone’s favorite. But I missed Evil Dead 2’s fusion of horror and camp. You can’t really call this a horror movie. It’s a straight up action comedy fantasy romp, with slight horror elements and only one notable scene of gore. It’s a busier, bigger movie, and Campbell never got a scene to really hold and shine like the laughter scene in the second. Ash is a badass one liner spewing machine. And they’re great, iconic one liners! But there’s so much they start getting a mite exhausting.

The Evil Ash ravaging women scene is more obligatory than the tree scene in the first, and worse for how casual and non blasé it is. Apparently it was a producer’s call, but it doesn’t help the movie. It sounds like I’m hard on the movie, and maybe I am a little. But there’s some quality slapstick, some great lines, and it’s fun! Just not quite what I want from this series, I think. Maybe the director’s cut will alleviate some of this.

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Shout by JC

Watched the Director’s Cut this time, hoping it’d be a little darker or horrific, and it’s mostly just the same but with the one liners watered down, being the best of no worlds. The tight pace of the theatrical is lost for more explanations and more of the siege fight, neither needed. I can see the sequel hook of the ending but given that this ended up a trilogy the theatrical one worked out and is just more fun. Sorry, Raimi. 5/10 Director’s, 6/10 Theatrical

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Was ok but so much weaker than part 2 and 1.
The half part was a sure 9 but when the real fight starts it dosen't look good anymore u see the changes between "Figures" and "Costumes" in the fight :D

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This is the weakest among the three no doubt, but it's much, much more fun than the two previous combined. Sam Raimi got his fun out of this film.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2017-10-23T01:59:27Z— updated 2017-10-25T11:35:44Z

This one is definitely the craziest of the three.

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It's just a bit of fun. Rated way too high though.

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Tries too hard to be funny. The "comedic sequences" last for too long.

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Shout by PaulKael
BlockedParent2023-04-14T00:38:38Z— updated 2023-07-07T08:29:15Z

Army of Darkness is complete lunacy. The movie is terrible. Yet, for reasons I do not fully understand, I enjoyed it.

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Why is this praised so much?? I was thoroughly bored the entire movie!!

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What I do not get is how this movie get's 88% while it is not even up to par with a C classed movie. I know the movie is from 1992 but the special effects date back from the time of "Jason and the Argonauts". And the story is pretty weak at some points. It's like the writer thought ẅhat shall we do with this bad guy? Wait, let's just let him die for no apparent reason." But then again, what can you expect from "Xena: Warrior Princess" actors?

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There is absolutely no continuity in these movies. It's rather amazing, actually.

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Incredibly stupid movie, dropped it half way.

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I really love how they follow through on the ending of Evil Dead 2 while doing something completely out of left field and changing everything up. The scares take a bit of a backseat but the goofs and fun are cranked up and Ash truly takes his final form.

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