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Army of Thieves 2021

Entertaining enough to have fun with this movie.
Enjoy and have fun. 7/10

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It seems that most people have missed that this was Zack Snyder's interpretation of the first three operas of The Ring of the Nibelung (only the latest of many conflicting interpretations), a view that was not clearly apparent to me until the final moments of the film. The events leading to and culminating with the cracking of each safe, mirror the themes of those operas. That eye-opening revelation leads me to believe that the sequel to Army of the Dead will be built around the theme of Götterdämmerung.

Those looking for an action thriller or a clever heist movie had to be disappointed,as I was until the curtain fell.

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Really Awesome Movie without any BS.

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When the spin off is better than the original.

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Not the best one but not the worst either. Simple, entertaining plot and a nice time passing movie. 6.5/10

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"Bad." doesn't meet the minimum number of words for a comment here, but yes, it was bad.
Adding a bit of substance because I see the rating is quite high. The scenario, the characters and the supposedly uncrackable safes they cracked in a few minutes or in a moving truck were so terrible it took me out of the movie completely. Poor Hans Wagner who spent his life designing safes that were opened so easily. The technique is always the exact same, there is absolutely no cleverness in it. Definitely one of the worst heist movies I've seen recently.

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Is it me or Brad Cage looked more like Hugh Jackman than Brad or Cage? Or does it mean that if Brad and Cage had a son he would look like Hugh!? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I liked the movie. It was an entertaining heist movie. It’s not a Zack Snyder movie. It’s not a zombie movie. It’s a Matthias Schweighöfer heist movie.

Matthias Schweighöfer is perfect in his role, his face and body expressions are so funny!

It was also great to see Nathalie Emmanuel. She’s just… extremely lovable which made her perfect for the role. I’ve seen her in Game of Thrones only before this.

Two less positive notes:
1) It was hard for me to take Jonathan Cohen seriously because I watched him in something else (La Flamme) and I thought his English acting needed some work.
2) It’s a shame that this movie didn’t come before Army of the Dead. It would have been a good introduction for the “main” movie even if, as I said, both movies have close to nothing in common expect some context.

PS: the guys that were in charge of the animation of the mechanisms inside the safes did an excellent job!

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poor hans spent all his life creating the safest locks ever just for one guy to pick it in 5 minutes

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Never seen the guy before now but why is he not confirmed to be the next Wolverine already!?

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If you turn off your brain for two hours you are probably going to like it.But still has it's problems..Directing was good.6.3/10

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Unnecessary prequel to Army Of The Dead but it offers an enjoyable way to pass the time nevertheless. Running time could have been shorter though as my interest started to wane near the end.

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Much better than it's predecessor (by a wide margin), i say that this should be prescribed as a cleanser to erase the stain of the first one from your brain.

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Episode 10x09
Well, hey, it's not bad, nothing to do with its predecessor. It is not the robbery movie of the century where the mastery, the absent-mindedness and the art of deception stand out (in fact, in this aspect it is quite superficial), but it is nice and easy to see. I could even say familiar if it weren't for some zombie scenes that have been put in there. Of course, the protagonist is the typical goofy, geek and clumsy exaggerated with the usual clichés (which already tire these things), but hey ... even so the film is enjoyable.

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The first half of the movie was quite good, then it got really bad - ending in a.. "Oh god, there's not gonna come back and make a part 2 are they?"

I'll give it an over-generous 7/10.
The movie gets 3 points just because Nathalie Emmanuel is in it.

The writing is full of plot holes you could drive a truck through... speaking of driving a truck - why does Hollywood and the like think that just anyone can jump behind the wheel of a large truck and drive it?

Near the end when they've grabbed the truck and safe, what was their plan after parking the truck and grabbing the money? If the other guys hadn't shown up - there was no car to take them to the boat. And at the boat dock - where were all the other cops? He just happened upon them by himself?

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Like a pinball game: fast, flashy, and cheap fun.

I'll defend these popcorn & candy movies til the day I die because sometimes you don't want to watch someone else play chess, you just want to play some pinball.

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It’s always exciting to see a talented actor on screen such as Matthias, and he takes control of his character well, who is very talented at opening vaults and has a funny quirky personality that you will like in an instant. His crew are an odd bunch trailing behind the star of the show.

It’s probably better than Army of the Dead if memory serves me right. And those cgi of the vault mechanics were imagined really well, some talented people have worked on this part.

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Now that was very fun and funny and loved matthias character and gives so much more meaning to his character for the sequel that i feel wasn’t has good as this, by far better than army of dead.

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A prequel to Zack Snyder’s Army of the Dead, Army of Thieves is an entertaining and fun crime thriller. With the world distracted by a zombie outbreak in America, a group of thieves recruit a safecracker in order to pull off a job breaking into three historic safes created by a master craftsman. Starring Matthias Schweighöfer, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Ruby O. Fee, the film has a solid cast, and the script is especially well-written in setting up jobs and revealing the twists and turns that arise. Additionally, the actions scenes are exciting and full of suspense. Still, the tie-ins to Army of the Dead seem forced and a couple of the characters are underdeveloped. Yet despite its problems, Army of Thieves is a solid heist film.

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I liked this. There were many issues w the plot, but the chemistry of the leads (at least Emmanuel & Schweighöfer was enjoyable. I enjoyed the soundtrack and the glossy nature of it. That all said it's probably a 5/10 movie that I just enjoyed more than I should have. 6.4 for me. (I consider a 6 a good score and recommendable).

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I appreciate this prequel, Sabastian aka Ludwig Dieter is a hilarious character. Definitely worth a second watch

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Loved the movie - Yes, the plot itself is stupid, but its mainly a movie about cool scenes and Ludwig Dieter's character - this absolute over the top german stereotype.

The only thing that was a bit too unrealistic for me was the safe being transported in a truck.
The trucks width is about as much as the safes wall should be thick.

There is no way a truck like that can transport a safe that big.
I'll forgive that the safe also had interior lighting while being transported on a truck, but when they open it you can clearly see the side wall of the truck and that the safes interior goes further to the right.
Is the Safe a TARDIS in hiding? Because it certainly seems like its bigger in the inside.

All in all I'll give it an 7/10 for being very entertaining but not very imaginative and having some ovious plotholes.

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You know, when I watched 'Army of the Dead', my biggest take away from that movie was "wow this German safecracker needs his own movie!"

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Much better than Army of the Dead and this is primarily because if Matthias S

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What in the heck did I just watch? this show really had its moments where it could have been good without all the stupidity. From beginning to the end all this movie did was aggravating me. why this movie did have some good scenes I just wish the producer would have did a better job marinating them together.

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This was BAD. The kind of humour they used was old and the story too. The acting of Hugh Jackman-to-be (Brad Cage) was BAD af, felt like every time he was overdoing it... and the screen effects, like wtf who thought they were a good idea, is beyond me.

But Nathalie Emmanuel was part of it so I don't regret watching it one single bit. Again, sue me

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I liked this a whole lot more than "Army of the Dead (2021)". This was a lot more fun. And, technically this really should have come out before "Army of the Dead (2021)".
The best moment in the movie was "The Punch" - if you watch it you'll know what I mean. I almost did an actual real live spit-take.
The locks in the safe look incredible - I'd actually almost want to see a documentary on how those locks (if actually real) would/could work.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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What an entertaining movie, has some great laughs, Matthias is amazing talented and he keeps the movie fresh. Nathalie is again gorgeous. Very fun and enjoyable. no zombies though great prequel.

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In my opinion, if Matthias act in any film it will be the best, also the film was entertaining, you will not regret it and it’s more better than army of the dead of course.

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Dieter's shrieks are reasons enough to watch this lol

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Kick ass movie.
Do yourself a favor and watch this film.

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Much better than the original 'Army of the Dead', really enjoyed it!

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This is so much better than Army of the Dead

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A good looking movie with a flat story, not to much special. It was entertaining, but like other comments said it was full of holes.

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I actually enjoyed this one, not too over the top with things and I liked the mild comedy aspect of it to ;-)

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To call this movie terrible is being kind

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They really went all out to justify that it was a prequel. Safecracking is not for entertainment, I'm sorry. But Matthias is the best chance to make it so.

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More Netflix fodder.

For a heist movie it's very simplistic; most of the characters lack any depth and some of the acting is mediocre. If you haven't seen the earlier film then the random news segments about zombies make absolutely no sense because they have zero bearing on this film, they exist only to set up a different film that you're supposed to have already watched.

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Quick and dirty. Really entertaining. I really enjoyed it :green_heart:

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Zack Snyder’s surprisingly effective zombie caper Army of the Dead gets a zippy prequel that follows Matthias Schweighöfer’s backstory as a legendary safecracker. Though this doesn’t add much value to the ‘Army of the Dead’ franchise, although it further establishes Matthias Schweighöfer’s commendable talents. The film is a breezy, slick action heist flick that wastes not much time. With a great ensemble cast of relatively fresh faces Army of the thieves thrives smoothly. The Action, Cinematograph, and style of film editing are unique and fresh and the humor is adequate. Behind the camera, Schweighöfer envisions the film with a glossy sheen, and cinematographer Bernhard Jasper delivers some great visuals. This is evident with the well-crafted action scenes and beautiful showcases of the vaults with their inner workings. The film is definitely visually appealing and a fun one-time watch.

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Definitively better than Army of the Dead. But even here the DOF feels off in a lot of scenes, but not as bad as before. Somebody, please teach Zack how to change the aperture on a lens.

The movie is at its best as it follows the main character. He is realistic, funny, relatable. I wish the movie would follow him all the time and the whole movie was from his point of view. The moment it goes to the other team members, it's not as good. The "team" is stuffed with a superhero, a caricature, and two throw-away characters. Especially I would really like if they stopped dressing hackers as clowns. I think this stereotype should finally die.

Not really a criticism, but as I visited a lot of places where this was recorded, I know that some of them are not close to each other, and the characters "teleporting" between them in the movie was very distracting to me.

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Most boring heist movie ever, and no zombies. First time I dislike a Snyder film.

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