Personal Lists featuring...

Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman 1994


A list with my Watched Movies


Library for Kodi import


The Package. The Pandemonium. The Proud Pony Numero Two. The Paragon. The Paradox-o-logico Pissed Prospect. The Poker Prefaced Pinocchio Pair. The Paper-Pumpin' Philanthropy-Purgin' Psychic. The Pied Piping Pagan. The Blundering-Plundering Partly-Resented Resettlement. The Patriotic Perished Anti-Pacifist. The Persistent Pingu-Postin' Propaganda Seized Cureall.
The 'Past is the Past' Presenting Purple-Turnin' Possessed Pastor Priest. The Peanut Pastry Feast's Pirate President.
The Pathetic, wretched, principled page-portioned population-aimed partition. The powerful enough to probably level a whole prefecture prevailing phenomena.
Just one more prize-plucked public proximity probe mastered by me. A little elbow grease & pound for pound paradigm pushed all-the-boys-wanna-pounce pregnant princess.....reincarnated by me. me. me.
The newest project, by me. Miracled, you could say, by me.
And you best hope.

Not picked by you.


This is a list of science fiction movies and series that I've watched or plan to watch. These movies and series contain at least one typical sci-fi element like advanced / futuristic science or technology (for the era that movie/series takes place), space exploration, time travel, parallel universes or extratrerrestial life.


Contemporary fears, remakes and some might even say, a reinterpretation of the genre in the later half of the decade.


Movies I want to watch but don't want to download to my server


Mi colección de películas en acción real basadas en personajes con habilidades especiales que no están relacionados con ninguna editorial.


Bof sans intérêt ou carrément nul


A collection of terrible movies I must watch
