Shouts about...

Avatar 2009


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It's basically a re-telling of Dances With Wolves in a sci-fi Matrix-like twist.

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Loved this movie! I've seen it more times than I can remember. I can't wait for the new one!

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All flash, no payout. Horrible writing, generic, insulting story, and rehashed tropes. Disgusting.

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Love it ! I think the world they created was just amazing and so beautiful they did an AMAZING job with the whole movie I think I also loved the plot and everything in general

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Excellent 3D Effects

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Not the best but very good and creative

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I didn't have very high expectations when I went to see this movie. It quickly surpassed my expectations and it is one of my favorites.

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Unique movie, gotta see once at least

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THE 3D film that redefines the genre. A little like ALIENS in places, but there's no question this is one of the most engrossing Sci-Fi films out there. Perfect in almost every respect. :)

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good sight

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It was good but Fern Gully was the shit.

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Brilliant film

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Amazing film

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Pocahontas in space

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Awesome film one of those movies that you've just gotta watch twice!

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Awesome film, one of those ones that you've gotta watch twice

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Full of talented team for this movie maker.

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This is the baddest ass movie I have ever seen! Best seen in blu ray or 3d!!

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Not to be missed ..

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Not bad

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Loved it

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Overrated.. (The most intresting thing in the movie was the CGI enviroments..)

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Loved it

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Very good!

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Great cgi

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Graphically beautiful and a cool concept.

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I love this movie so much !!!!!!!
The special effects are great .
The sory is original .
It is just perfect !

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I wonder if there is a person who hasn't seen this movie yet.

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Extended Cut is Best Cut

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much better with the extended cut

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Shout by Deleted

this movie is a lot like donuts. they look awesome, but there's nothing really there and too many will make you sick.

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Great piece of art with avant-garding visual effects, stunning both in cinema and blu-ray, other than that it's all fireworks, plot, history and characters are gigantic clichés.

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A friend who I thought was pretty intelligent was all about this movie because he saw an anti-imperialism/colonialism/neoliberalism subtext to it. I just thought the movie made me dumber. Also on the colonial tip, if one were to read the film that way, it would reek of paternalism, that the savage can only resist with the support of the colonizer.
MAjorMercyFlush: good call on the pocahantas tip.

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I know what you are saying and I can appreciate weird names, my point with the mineral was that it was impossibly hard to get, it was unobtainable... it's Unobtainium. I wasn't thinking about it from scientific naming conventions, I just thought it was heavy handed and a bit silly.

As I said the term has already been long been used as catch all for minerals etc that are exactly that, rare and near impossible to find, but they still all have real names that are [usually] derived from something particular to their structure. It's like naming a small country in Asia, Asia. It's counter intutive as you would be constantly clarifying what it was you were refering to. That's all I meant by that they wouldn't actually call it that, and the scientific people there would have known what it was really called. It was for the audience.

I think it just hit me in the same neurons as when you see films with variations of scenes like;

"Gentleman, as you already know... blah blah blah explain the whole plan"

If they already know, why are you telling them?! It's poor exposition aimed squarely at the audience and totally pulls me out of the scene.

I do totally, totally get that it's a movie though. I just get passionate about the medium :)

I just found the first half hour of Avatar to be littered with clunky exposition, some really bad dialogue, and things like that that I admit really did taint the rest of the film for me. I will give it a second viewing sometime and see if now the hype has worn off it sits any better.

woo, got my rant on there! :)

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The story is almost beat for beat the highlights of the accounts of the Pocahontas and John Smith story as we have grown to know it (it's up for debate), a point that has been made from many, many quarters. Amongst others, Disney have had a crack at the story as has auteur Terrence Malick. Watch "Pocahontas" and "The New World", both are dramatised accounts of there in relationship and the the founding of Jamestown and . Scratch the surface of that relationship and there is Avatar.

Also using with the name "Unobtainium" for the mineral/MacGuffin that was sort was for the lowest common denomiator in audience. A mineral would never actually be called that. It might refered to as that to a total lay person as it is a colloquial term, but they weren't. I'm pretty sure that wasn't the point at which I wanted to punch James Cameron in the nuts, but it didn't help.

My 2c. Feel free to disagree, discussion livens things up. I'm going to steadily work through everything I've seen and see if we can't get some engaging movement in these shouts. We are here because we love movies, lets talk about. Staying within constructive bounds of course, degenerating misses the point. Again my 2c.

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I thought it was a fantastic movie. I have not seen anything like it before. They spend the budget they had in a very good way if this is the end-product.

What do you mean it was unoriginal? The only movie i can think of that has something even remotely similar is Dances With Wolves, but thats like comparing apples and oranges. I saw this movie a total of four times in the movie theater, i thought it was that good. But it might also have been because of the fact that this was the first movie i ever saw in 3d.

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Visually it is truly the most incredible spectacle committed to film. However the story was thin and unoriginal and the first half of the script was appalling. Lazy use of, and overly lengthy, voice over for exposition, including one random line of voice over from no where about two thirds of the way in. Script writing 101 is show it, don't say it.
Just because it's the highest grossing doesn't mean it's well made. Pretty to my eyes, a creative vacuum to my brain.

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Love it

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Excellent very big movie!

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