Shouts about...

Babysitter Must Die 2021

Like a senior strip club in the new part of town, it's a nice setup but takes a long time for things to happen.

While I get that low budget films don't have access to the same resources as a Hollywood blockbuster, I'm constantly faulting indie projects for not paying enough attention to the writing, because ideas are free. Kill the Babysitter (that was the title I watched it under) proves me right.

The plot is basically Die Hard with a babysitter, but the idea of the young woman's using special talents obtained in girl scouts (and referencing then with badges!) as well as the initial scene of introducing us to the house and its Chekov's gun collection through a game of hide and seek were brilliant.

Unfortunately, once we get into the second act, the majority of the movie involves hiding and sneaking and not enough attention is paid to the mysterious forces inhabiting the house, but I was still able to enjoy the film.

While this is more a good start than a resounding success, I'd be interested in watching other films by the team behind this one.

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It was better than I expected, they gave some thought to the characters and background that you usually don’t get.

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I found this to be mildly entertaining. It was certainly not a great movie, but it was entertaining enough to continue watching and enjoy.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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