Theme- 9.5/10
Rewatchibility- 9/10
Acting- 9.5/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 9/10
Total - 47/5 = 9.4

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In the key of the west, a great culmination of the series.

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Before watching this trilogy, I thought that if they're going to past and future in two movies, then what'd the other one be!!And they kept the real punch for the finale and guess what,it’s the western time.And that's the best thing about it.This trilogy is known as the gem for such clever writing I'll say... Loved the trilogy and the way people used to think about such complex topics...

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This is my favorite movie trilogy of all time!!!

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Shout by Darth

lol Marty and his family are about to become rich when they invest every dime into buy stock of the company Marty eventually works for that they have the paper from

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Sometimes this is the best in the series. It's very straightforward and it's a fun, feel-good watch. It also has some of the funniest writing in the series.

However, the original is also the original. It's legendary. Either way this one is worth a watch.

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weirdly enough this is my favorite of the series I really enjoy the Western theme there is a lot of good character development for both of the major characters we especially get to see a lot of doc Brown this movie You could argue this is more of his movie which is pretty awesome

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Probably my least favorite of the three but still good. The different setting makes this one feel the most different and that freshens it up.

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This is the point where the dam breaks for the BTTF trilogy. Without the innocent, loose grasp of reality present in the first film, nor the amusing, campy glimpses of the future seen in the second, there's really not all that much to look forward to as this bad western lolls its way toward the finish line.

Marty McFly and Doc Brown still make for strong core characters, ones we desperately want to see come out ahead, but they've got their arms full here with a stale set of recurring gags, a base premise that's thin at best and a hammy love story that doesn't really bring anything meaningful to the table. Where the original was able to effortlessly skirt the holes that speckled its plot, the saga's grand finale bowls straight through them with no regard for the repercussions, leaving audiences skeptical. A needless leap across both genre and era, at least it has the dignity to close the door behind it while the credits queue.

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Fun and exciting conclusion to this awesome time-travelling classic. The time travel logic and what rules apply don't make much sense in the end anymore but honestly who cares.

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“Your future is whatever you make it.” Back to the Future Part III concludes the series by returning to the fun and whimsy that made the original so popular. With Doc stuck in the Old West, Marty has to go back to save him after learning that Doc was shot and killed by “Mad Dog” Tannen. The tone of the film is more lighthearted than in Part II, and tries to emulate the formula of the original; bringing romance back into the story and exploring culture clashes. However, the film convolutes the series time-travel theory even more and is full of inconsistencies. Still, despite some rough edges Back to the Future Part III delivers an exciting and entertaining ride that’s a lot of fun.

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Constantly yelling how they can't change any events and then they change all the events - that's Part III.

.. well, at least I'm done now.

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A nice ending to the trilogy, and easily the second-best. Though Clara's bits were hit-or-miss, the setting was a nice change of pace and the movie kept me engaged. It didn't come anywhere close to capturing the magic of the original, but it stands on its own well enough.

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A trilogy where you actually want to revisit all 3 flicks

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Shout by SigHunter
BlockedParent2018-02-28T11:22:13Z— updated 2024-06-16T17:59:55Z

that last scene with the train was a little too much. I would have liked it more if doc brown and his family stayed in 1885, otherwise still a great movie!

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A fitting and well done conclusion to the trilogy that has clever & unique moments and a great plot

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A great trilogy comes to an End!!

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Paco cinema: Sound and Vision 3.5 / 5. I liked it more than the other times, entertaining and enjoyable

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the least favorite between the trilogy.thanks, not makes it more.

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I had the solid privilege to watch this in theatres. A fantastic ending to a great trilogy. I watched i again now and even after all this years it is still a very enjoyable and fun film to watch.

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Shout by Deleted

The best ending for an awesome trilogy

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Shout by Deleted

Nice ending to the series

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