Shouts about...

Bad Dreams 1988

While on the surface it may seem like just a Freddy ripoff, and yes, that's what the studio was trying to cash in off of, but it really stands on its own. It's fun, got a likeable cast and is unique. Plus it showcases the awesome Richard Lynch.

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Shrug from the cop at the end sums this movie up.

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It started out surprisingly good, but took a hard turn for the retarded by the end. That shot of the cop shrugging his shoulders and walking away sums up my feelings of the third act. The Guns n Roses over the end credits made me chuckle a bit.

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"These damn doctors are crazier than the patients!"
Some very solid practical effects and effective kills. The story is a little thin, but it's worth at least a once through.
... that shrug though bahahaha, why. Why. And credits with Guns and Roses. Oh man the whole last 5mins of this movie is completely out of left field

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Some pretty decent practical effects in the last 30 minutes. Loved the cop shrug at the end, hysterical. Happy with the way it ended, no spoilers, but I like the end result.

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