Shouts about...

Badland Hunters 2024

Nice easy watch. Good action and plenty of dead bad guys. Brain in neutral and enjoy the ride.

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Entertains, the best part, the fights

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borderline "fun" little watch tbh, Don Lee was as funny as always, costumes & the post apocalyptic look was done well, good fight choreos here and there but overall just eeh, still;

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Based on the plot of a good drama about the survival of the residents of a human settlement that survived the cataclysm, they decided to make a franchise. Strike the iron for now - led to the appearance of a template post-up action movie, with the addition of "zombies" of the military and gangs. But even Ma Dong-seok did not take out the madmax-cliché , are there 2 more shows planned?

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Obviously an alternate version of Concrete Utopia.

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Level "Entertaining" • 6 :heart: • You may or may not enjoy this.

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I think this is passed as a sequel to "Concrete Utopia" which seams legit if you see the start of the movie. I do not remember any names from the first one so i do not know if it has any same characters. The movie was a good action brainless enjoyable to watch. I really liked the funny lines and sketches that gave more fun to the film. A lot of blood and nice killings. They put a third installation easy.

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Badland Hunters - :heart:x5

...I did not enjoy this movie. Was a bit over the top for me, but don't let that stop you. I'm sure some folks will enjoy it.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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At first, it looked good but quickly became silly and somehow entertaining at the same time with a stupid villain. The final act was so stupid it had too many problems/moments to point out. I don't drink but this is something you watch when your shit-faced.

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Shout by Deleted

Nothing remarkable. Just a good action flick with plenty of hand to hand combat and gory deaths. Not a lot of depth to the story but still worth a watch.

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I gotta admit, I was a bit hesitant to watch it at first but I'm not gonna lie, I quite enjoyed it as it thoroughly exceeded my expectations. Sure, it's weird as in how can a shotgun just through a door and kill around 4 - 5 people in a single shot but besides that, not a bad watch on a sunday afternoon

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Like adrenaline to the heart, the material isn't all that new but you'll get a kick out of it.

In a dystopian future, The Good, The Bad Ass, and The Pretty attack a mad scientist's compound to save what's left worth saving of the world.

Thank God at least Korean cinema hasn't forgotten how to have fun. Now, I want to see Concrete Utopia (the film that precedes Badland Hunters)!

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