Shouts about...

Batman Returns 1992

Theme- 9.5/10
Rewatchibility- 7/10
Acting- 7.5/10
Kinematography- 8.5/10
Time- 7.5/10
Total - 40/5 = 8

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I liked this one much more than its predecessor. From the start it feels much more like a Tim Burton movie to me, I thought Penguin was a fun and super weird villain. Michelle Pfeiffer becoming Catwoman was fun (but I don't like the costume or the character all that much). And Christopher Walken!

I might appreciate the first movie more now, I definitely see myself rewatching this movie in the future and even though the ratings suck, I'm excited to watch the sequels.

Also there was a Schwarzenegger picture hanging on the wall at one point and I wonder if they already knew he would be Mr. Ice or whatever his name is.

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The film is confusing and funny at the same time. It has a lot of plot holes, but it makes up for it with great scenes and special effects. The city setting is the best part of the film. However, the villains are many and leave no room for character development.

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Probably the best DC Christmas movie

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Batman's a bit limp.
Penguin"s terrifying.
Catwoman's smoking hot.
Christopher Walken is good but are they seriously telling us they couldn't find a proper villain for him to play?
Danny Devito and Michelle Pfeiffer earned this 2 extra :hearts:'s.

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Shout by KinoPhilip

As preposterous and cartoonish as the '89 Batman, but surprisingly sells it all much better. It has aged fairly well for a film so unrealistic, especially if compared to the 1st film. Love the jokes, particularly the ones with sexual innuendo. Shame Burton couldn't do a 3rd Batman with Pfeiffer back as Catwoman. Keaton and her had very good chemistry.

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This is definitely better than the more recent 2022 Batman. The plot is cleaner and more engaging, Batman seems much more Batman. The main drawback is that it was shot almost completely in studio, and the scenography seemed not realistic and artificial.

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Horniest Batman movie ever made

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In this film they take advantage of all the possibilities of the character.

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This sequel is the equal to its predecessor "Batman", in fact, I'd rate it a bit higher. Gotham is even more impressive in its look and style. Michael Keaton is also better the second time around. He seems more comfortable in the Bruce Wayne role (Batman is barely in this).

The addition of Catwoman is useful because it adds the extra conflict with Christopher Walken's "Max Schreck" baddie. I'm definitely not a fan of the portrayal of the Penguin here. He never materializes into a threat to me and I think the character's look and behavior is disgusting. There is no way the people of Gotham would consider him a mayoral candidate.

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Part of the Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher Batman series (1989–1997).
Batman (1989)
Batman Returns (1992)
Batman Forever (1995)
Batman & Robin (1997)

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DeVito perfectly played the character of penguin. Pfeiffer's acting is also satisfactionary (meow).

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Batman Returns fails to follow through on the success of the first film, and instead veers in a new direction. When wealthy industrialist Max Shreck teams up with the Penguin, the leader of a criminal gang, to seize control of Gotham City, Batman seeks to expose them, but things soon get complicated went a mysterious new player named Catwoman enters the game. This sequel is far darker, more expressionist, and full of sexual innuendoes. But bottom-line, the Penguin and Catwoman don’t bring the same charisma that Nicholson’s Joker brought to the first film. Batman Returns has its own unique appeal, but pales in comparison to the original.

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i liked this film more than the 1st one. & i didnt have to type out a short novel about it

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Shout by Deleted

Particularly, I found this film with the story better elaborated than the previous one. He failed to explain some relevant details like what happened to Viky.
Even so, from a pisological point of view, I think that both penguin and cat woman have deep personalities and deserve greater attention.
I will not talk about parts of the movie, but I say you need to pay attention to the logic and the turn of the game between the villains.
Detail for the dance of Bruce and Selina.

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Ah, Batman Returns, is it possible to have a sequel to be almost as good as the original? With Batman Returns, it came pretty close! We have terrific actors and a great plot with the dark knight and two new villains, Catwoman and The Penguin. We have Michael Keaton back as Batman and he's still awesome than ever. Michelle Pfieffer, the perfect choice for Catwoman and was perfectly cast into place. Danny DeVito, who could have imagined him as The Penguin? He was just great and terrifying!

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Danny DeVito makes me really enjoy this film. Like, seriously I love him in this movie. Sure, the character is turned into a super Tim Burton style villain, but I don't care. It is hilariously engaging. So yea, this one certainly turns a bit stronger into the Burton style altogether with the first one's success. I think after that, he got to do exactly what he wanted. Some directors do a better job when restrained a bit. Otherwise he gets pretty out there and all his films feel exactly the same. A lot of people complain because of that, but it doesn't bother me that much. Probably just because I've seen it so I don't walk into the viewing expecting something else anymore. But yea, Penguin, Catwoman, Batman, Alfred, and CHRISTOPHER WALKEN all keep me engaged throughout.

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A typical Burton movie: sometimes fun, but most of the time rather strange and surrealistic! Additionally I always was aware that I was watching a batman movie instead of being pulled into batman's world. It's not a bad movie but I would have liked if the comic book background would not be so obvious.

And compared to the terrific "Batman Begins" or "The Dark Knight" "Batman Returns" is just mediocre...

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