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Best. Christmas. Ever! 2023

Is Netflix the new Hallmark channel? A lot of their movies recently are cheaply made and have awful acting.

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SOOO BAD it was so bad

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Even though this is still not at all a good movie, Best. Christmas. Ever! has been the highlight of this season's Netflix Christmas movies for me so far. It has all the Hallmark-like features with a hint of passable "unlikely miracles". I was expecting many more embarrassing scenes, but thankfully, there was only one, and they completely wrapped it up in 5 minutes, so that was a pleasant surprise. Just a plain, simple, average "Hallmark" Christmas movie; if that's what you expect, I think you should be satisfied. I'd rather watch this 10 more times than sit through Family Switch again (that just kept popping more and more embarrassing scenes).

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Formulaic tripe, Best. Christmas. Ever! is anything but. When Charlotte’s son mistakes her sarcasm for a Christmas wish, he reprograms their driving route to take them to her old college friend’s house; and once there, Charlotte takes the opportunity to do some snooping, trying to poke holes in her friend’s braggadocious Christmas letter. Heather Graham, Brandy Norwood, and Jason Biggs lead the cast, but their performances aren’t very good; in fact, Brandy is exceedingly bad. And while the writers do a fair job at creating a sense of mystery to Charlotte’s quest to expose her friend’s Christmas letter as a fraud, the plot is abandoned halfway through the film in favor of a trite plot about friendship; which creates a number of inconsistences and story problems. Also, there’s some rather blatant environmentalist propaganda that comes off as forced. A poorly made film, Best. Christmas. Ever! is a hodgepodge of holiday clichés that doesn’t really work.

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Most fitting word to describe 'Best. Christmas. Ever!': lousy.

Nothing about this 2023 production feels organic, every inch of it comes across as unnatural as it even fails to include suitable festive cheer. All of the characters, perhaps aside from the kids (Madison Skye Validum as Beatrix is good tbf), are either unlikeable or uninteresting. The story is so mundane, I got bored by it quick - and the film only lasts around 80mins, so should be a breezy watch but just isn't.

Validum is the only actor onscreen that I would praise, as none of the others manage to stand out; admittedly they are all not helped by what they have to worked with, of course. Heather Graham's Charlotte is pretty poor, quite unlikeable in truth. Brandy Norwood (as Jackie) tries, probably the best of the (not so good) rest.

Possibly lucky to get a 5/10 rating, in truth. The small run time probably helps in that regard, to get below that score from me you kinda have to annoy me - and releases that are short in length don't tend to do that to me. A bad film, all the same.

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This movie is completely bizarre. It’s kind of charming that Netflix makes larger budget Hallmark movies. Heather Graham is completely miscast with a unhinged, who gives a shit performance and maybe that is the exact right choice?

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Checked multiple times the launch date of this one. I had constant feeling in each scene that I had seen the movie before.

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Wow this was terrible smh

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It started off good and wholesome then it quickly jumped the shark. It was nice to see some familiar faces but it just wasn't enough in the end.

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Even for a Christmas production, the acting was too wooden and the plot was poor.

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Can't we have Evilest Christmas: Santa Claws Revenge

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