Shouts about...

Bigger 2018

Tyler Hoerchlin does a really good job in this. He's not a great actor necessarily but he is clearly taking the film seriously.

The Weider story is a subplot of Schwarzenegger's life for many people. This film has to address that. The guy they use is reminiscent but not great.

Julianne Hough does well with a limited role.

Overall it does what it sets out to quite well and it's a reasonable watch.


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I've never lifted weights in my life. I don't need to... I have the body of an Athenian warrior! Albeit a warriors body that resembles a plate of jelly, but a warrior all the same! With no interest in bodybuilding then, I suspected I would dislike this movie. The director has a bad track record too ... The Poison Rose...terrible! However, it wasn't a bad film. It could have been better - it rushes through events and the script is thin - but its okay. Bigger isnt always better then, but it has a big heart beneath the flexing muscles.

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Autobiographical film about the two brothers Joe and Ben Weider who founded the "International Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness" in 1946 and who organized the "Mr. OLYMPIA" almost 20 years later, and who were also the discoverers and promoters of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Interesting film for those who are familiar with the subject of bodybuilding. Less recommendable for everyone else, as the film unfortunately doesn't deal with Arnold Schwarzenegger enough.

Interestingly enough, Arnold "7 times Mr. Olympia" is played by the 2015 "Mr. Universe" Calum Von Moger, who bears an uncanny resemblance in muscle mass to "Good Old Arny" (at his best).

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No one mentions Jack Lalanne??! LOL. You must all be young babies.. I haven't seen the film yet; waiting for it to become available on a free streaming platform. But I grew up with Jack Lalanne on television in his fit little blue bodysuit. It was hilarious to us kids back then—when there were like five channels in the olden days! ha!

Is Lalanne featured? I wonder? Or just background period stage dressing?

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