The movie has very strong energy, Margot as Harley still fits perfectly and you can tell the character means a lot to her, Mary and Jurnee did amazing as Huntress and Canary despite the short stick they were given in terms of screentime. The fight scenes are well done and well choreographed and the soundtrack features a lot of strong females in the industry.

One thing I wish they'd have done is during the scenes with mercenary's coming after Harley would be if we were able to see some of the D-List villians that DC has hidden away.

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I can see why this didn't do well. The narration in the beginning felt out of place and the birds of prey only showed up with about 15 minutes to go. The movie needed much more of the last 15 minutes throughout and a lot less of the background stories of everyone.

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Margot Robbie pulls off a great Harley Quinn but the film doesn’t match her talent and could of been better but it did entertain me, had some fun action, some cool and colourful effects and the script was funny but did have a level of cheesy at times and sorry ewan mcgreg but you don’t make a great villain and definitely in the wrong role to see your true acting talent.

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For me this was one of the few really fun super hero (or in this case villain) movies of the last few years. I really liked that it's about the characters and their problems and not yet another saving of the city/world/universe. I liked Harley's overall wackyness but especially her narration and the title cards for all the characters reayll got me. Speaking of which, there were a lot of strong females and very little male gaze. The more I think about it, the more I like it.

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This movie isn't terrible, but it's not good either. By the end, I was just left thinking 'meh'. I didn't care about any of the characters or what was going on.

Ewan McGregor piqued my interest a little, but aside from that, I found the movie to be bland.

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"It captures the colorfully anarchic spirit of Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn."

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Here's the thing about this movie: Margot Robbie is fantastic as Harley Quinn. She is what makes the movie worth seeing, and another film devoted to her character would not be unwelcome. But as a whole, the film is scuppered by a weak script, and some misguided casting choices for some of the characters. The aesthetic is overly realistic too, so the comic book character of Harley Quinn seems a little out of place. It's not a bad film - there is fun to be had - but it fails to live up to its potential. I will watch it again, and my opinion might change, but for now, consider me disappointed.

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legitimately perfect. so so so much fun

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okay so lets start by saying that i loved the movie it moved really fast there was plenty of action and adventure laughs along the way as well the characters are fun and loveable even the bad ones i highly recommend this movie to anyone looking for a good time

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There was a lot they could have done with this movie. The best option would have been not to make it.

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If your movie narration isn't like BOP, then I don't want it

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Fantastic fight choreography! Also the best looking and best written movie theater DC movie in a long time. Harley's a little oversaturated right now with this and the streaming cartoon being out at the same time, but I hope DC can keep the momentum going.

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I've seen it and liked it too.
It's a good movie... 7/10... but it's that kind of movies that just do is part well enough without becoming extraordinary at something.

In a paradoxal way it's a Harley Quinn own movie but she is not so awesome like she was on Suicide Squad a scene stealer.
I can say too that it's Balck Canary who does an impression leaving good feelings about her and wanting more from her!

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Margot Robbie is brilliant but this character is off the wall (everything is in hyperbole in a screechy, high pitched, New York accent). Much of the storytelling is done inside out (flashbacks to establish the backstories of the ladies). The supporting performances by the Birds of Prey are good and the casting is perfect. Lots of violence and gore, although, I thought the fight choreography is spectacular, especially in the final sequences (I realize this is a minority opinion). All in all, the movie was loud and chaotic, the writing and dialogue left a lot to be desired but the characters were interesting. I give this film a 6 (fair) out of 10. [Super/Anti-Heroes]

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Shout by Pascal Hartig
BlockedParent2020-02-10T10:57:22Z— updated 2020-02-12T09:16:24Z

Not particularly smart, surprising or anything we haven't seen before but relentlessly fun, great diverse ensemble and finally a DC movie whose colour palette that doesn't look like the film stock was fished out of a bucket of sick.

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Margot is an amazing Harley Queen but the leader can carry all, the movie turns into a teenager movie with a regular vilian, awesome and cool action shots, but at the end it leaves you empty.

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The title should be Harley Quinn and very little Birds of prey, good action scenes, Harley Quinn well, the rest not so much. For some reason all men are bad and dumb

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2020-02-08T19:58:33Z— updated 2023-11-07T13:12:45Z

Kind of a mess, but also some great action and cinematography

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Cathy yan you did such a horrible job.

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This is real story life Harley. Its amazing

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It’s fun! Margot Robbie is great as Harley Quinn. The story is alright and Harley’s narration is fun. The action is good and pretty entertaining. It isn’t written that well though. Overall it’s a good superhero movie with a tarrintino vibe.

( 7 out of 10)

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Before any of the fight scenes I enjoyed this film. The character development was something I applaud. Sadly, when the fight scenes came, I was completely uninterested and bored. Felt as poorly written as a cheap television cop show.

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chaotic and violent in the absolute best way!! we already knew margot was going to be great, this movie just proves even more that she was born to play harley. rosie, mary, chris, ewan, and ella were perfectly cast. JURNEE FUCKING SMOLLETT-BELL YOU GUYS!!!! SHE IS INCREDIBLE AS BLACK CANARY I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!! I NEED A SEQUEL OR SOLO MOVIE NOW!!

everyone that says this movie is bad, is boring and doesnt know how to have fun because i had A BLAST

also, those fight scenes were INCREDIBLE

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This movie has a lot of energy and is fun but not as funny as I hoped. Margot Robbie is great and Ewan McGregor is having fun but the rest of the cast has nothing to do. The action is really well done. The plot is ok, I dug Harley's narration. I thought the title cards for all the people's introductions and crash zooms were a little much. Overall a good movie and a much better use of Harley Quinn.

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Birds of Prey is like DC and Warner Brothers answer to Deadpool. It’s just as violent and off the wall. With Margot Robbie owning the Harley Quinn character. As well as owning every scene she is in.

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Like sex on the beach, I didn't like it as much as I thought I would, but at least it was easy to fake it.

The action was better than the talking and fortunately there was a lot of action, plus the soundtrack was amazing. Hell, it's no Suicide Squad but...

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