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Black Box 2020

Well-acted film with an interesting concept and a compelling twist . Definitely more of a thriller than a horror, but enjoyable nonetheless!

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This was one wild ride. It’s like I knew where the movie was going and still wasn’t prepared. Good overall execution of the core concept.

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Great concept, solid twist. However I felt it could have been much better if it didn't settle for such a simple moral. Could have been an amazing Black Mirror episode as others have already said.

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Good movie with a solid plot. This movie reminded me of Black Mirror in that it explored something that feels farfetched but at the same time realistic. it's scary to think about a world in which this would be possible. I'd think it would be the perfect way for the elite to get a sense of immortality and exploit the poorest on the planet.

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Mind bendingly good. An imaginative and well-acted thriller, with a standout performance by Athie. It might not hold up to closer scrutiny but I had a good time with it.

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Entertaining, and I always love when a Black family is centered without it being overtly about race. Some twists were predictable, but still an enjoyable sci-fi thriller. I kept thinking, damn whoever was cast for 'Backwards Man' is an awesome contortionist! Also love that Phylicia Rashad has been embracing these 'dark mastermind' characters - what a turn from her early "Camille Huxtable" days!

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"You would bend over backwards for her.":clap_tone4:

The pacing could have been better, but 7.5/10 for the plot, the acting, the stunt work, for the win.

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This was a decent movie worth watching at least once.

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Anyone who likes the Netflix hit series "Black Mirror" is in very good hands with this film. Exciting story, a not so new plot but good unexpected twists and turns.

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Could have been a Black Mirror episode too honestly.

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Highly recommended , you'll enjoy your time
go blind as you can and watch this , the experience will be better

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I think the story line was interesting. However, I wouldn't necessarily call this an awesome movie. But, I was surpised about Phylicia Rashad's character. Turned out to be one crazy lady!!! LOLOLOL :laughing:

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Fairly decent science fiction thriller. A little rough around the edges, but the story is intriguing with enough twists to stay engaging.

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Has a good approach and a fairly decent first half of footage. I play with the concepts of identity, memory and redemption. However, although it is not without intelligence, the film is gradually diluted to a runaway conclusion. It should also be said that more than a horror film, this is a fantastic thriller with some great contributions of melodrama that are not very well treated. More strength, intensity and determination were expected when it came to finishing a plot that was well thought out. Acceptable but failed.

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Similar to Get Out but no, not good, just stupid.

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I wanted to like this because I really like the main actor, but in the end I found it frustrating. It starts off good but midway through the movie focuses on two characters who are wholly unlikeable so I found it difficult to care enough to finish. I also figured out the big twist at the beginning, even if I didn't get all the specifics correct, so I wasn't super surprised by it or the final outcome.

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