Shouts about...

Black Swan 2010

"Black Swan" is a psychological thriller film that follows the story of a ballerina who gets consumed by the pressures of her role in "Swan Lake." It's intense and visually stunning, with an incredible performance by Natalie Portman. I highly recommend it!

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I don't know why it took me so long to watch it, but now that I did I can't find words to describe. It's perfection, drama, pain and impressive acting. One of the best movies of my life.

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A movie that brilliantly executes and showcases an innocent ballerina's descent into obsession and madness. Director Darren Aronofsky illustrates symbolism of reality and hallucination and grips the viewer's attention using exceptional cinematography and tension backed by the score and performance by Natalie Portman. This film tackles many dark and intense themes about mental health struggles which may not cater to everyone's needs. But overall "Black Swan" is a work of art and should deserve all the praise it gets.

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I didn't understand shit, but it was so exciting and disturbing. Best thriller I watched recently

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Basically a woman breaking down from a lack of maturity and the pressure of growing up. The soundtrack also goes crazy.

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Shout by Deleted

Poetic, visceral and engaging. Natalie Portman looked stunning. It would be better if Thomas had greater complexity in his lines.

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Well, well, well if it isn't Whiplash's evil sister.

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Well, first the things I didn't like:

  1. Ballet
  2. Aronofsky
  3. Cringe dialogues
  4. Slow evolution (this almost caused me to give it a 3.5 instead of a 4.5)

Things I liked

  1. Movie
  2. Natalie Portman
  3. Mila Kunis
  4. The plot in general

Things I absolutely loved:

  1. The use of mirrors
  2. The last half hour of the movie. It was absolutely perfect.

P.S. I made a misjudgment.

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After watching this I went to know more about the film and what inspired the story as I do with every film and with this by the time I realized where I am, I was learning about the Renaissance, this film is perfection, a great projection of the "Swan Lake" and shows how destructive desire and desperation can be.

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This movie let me down. Natalie Portman's performance was absolutely fantastic, but I felt unusually disconnected from her character. The lack of personality was effective and realistic to a point, but as the story continued, I really just felt like I was watching a movie about a malfunctioning robot. Barbara Hershey was particularly amazing in her role and her scenes were my favorite. The final scene is also beautiful to watch. And just expertly crafted. I also liked how the music matches (and sometimes creates) the drama throughout the film, but overall, I am just not a fan. I'm glad that others have found something to love though!

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Shout by Reiko LJ

My first watch since seeing it on release in the cinema. A lot of it stuck with me all this time tbh. It's a harrowing film with some really disturbing moments. It unsettles you so effectively.
As the viewer we're none the wiser to what is reality and what is Nina's delusions. A true unreliable narrator, we're watching as she slowly loses herself in the pursuit of perfection. Clint Manshell's score is just as haunting as the film and I've found myself listening to the final pieces since this viewing.

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Another beautifully told story by Aronofsky.

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The relationship between obsession and madness. Top-notch editing makes this such an effective horror film, and the makeup/special effects in the second half are pretty bonkers.

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A movie with a clear message: the unrealistic societal expectations that are put on women in highly competitive positions makes them an easy target of sexual predators, mental health issues, abuse and other forms of malicious intent.
It’s a very well done piece, the characters and acting are excellent, and the music is great too.
I thought the horror element was a little half baked in the first two acts (it only gets scary very sporadically, and I could’ve done without the jump scares), but it’s all just build up for the phenomenal third act. Regardless, the drama is strong enough to keep you engaged for the first hour.
My only complaint is that the directing and visuals are a bit average at times, which is odd because that’s usually one of Aronofsky’s strengths.


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Wow... just wow. What an absolute masterpiece. The tension, the visuals, the drama, the anxiety, the music... my god, the music. This film is beautiful, and the final act with the on-stage performance was faultless - I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.

"I was perfect." - Yes, you fucking were, Nina.

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Some people really seem to love saying that Black Swan is a scene for scene rip off of Perfect Blue (1997). But I honestly think those folks are over-exaggerating to the highest degree. I can definitely see the similarities but they are different enough in my opinion and both deserve to be seen for their own merits. Similar? Definitely. Inspired by? Definitely. Thematically alike? Definitely. Borrowed from? Sure. Rip off? Hardly.

Considering Perfect Blue includes deformed stalkers, insane fans and internet chat rooms which to the best of my memory, Black Swan does not, I’d say those people are simply just talking pure nonsense.

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Shout by Nathan

Black Swan was a really interesting character study on how the process of losing yourself to your work. This movie had some fantastic imagery that kept the viewer guessing if it was an illusion or fact. Natalie Portman's portrayal was fantastic, really solid work here. The dynamic between her and her mother was so taboo and uncomfortable, but so raw that it felt completely believable. The movie gets in to so very intense scenes that left me feeling slightly uncomfortable, but that is what the movie was trying to achieve. I was suppose to be uncomfortable and it made those scenes all the better for it. There are some pacing issues with the movie, as it did hit a few lulls for me, but overall I found myself engaged.

Score: 85%
Verdict: Great

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Wasn't expecting this film to be this good. Love Natalie Portman's acting!

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-09-11T08:14:07Z— updated 2023-05-03T09:30:30Z

"Black Swan" is undoubtedly a well-crafted psychological thriller that incorporates intriguing elements of body horror, although it does have moments of campiness. While the premise suggests a sophisticated drama, it's clear that the film is firmly rooted in 80s and 90s genre tropes. In that sense, I was hoping for it to be even more extreme and exaggerated. Natalie Portman is perfectly cast in the lead role, though Vincent Cassel occasionally feels a bit over-the-top. Furthermore, I had anticipated the overbearing mother to play a more prominent role in the story, but regrettably, her character remains underdeveloped.

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Totally overrated. I spent the entire film waiting for something to happen. Very slow paced and the storyline only just kept me watching. I was hanging on for a great twist or ending, but neither happened, and then the end. Where was the horror? 1st half 3, 2nd half 4, so it barely scores 4/10.

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Shout by Deleted

"It was perfect"

I didnt said it, the movie said it.
And it is 100 percent right.

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"I just want to be perfect."

I had no idea what it was about the first time, and had forgotten about it when I rewatched it. Brilliant, but also painful at times to watch. Ballet is no joke.

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Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2020-11-28T12:51:01Z— updated 2021-01-02T18:03:16Z

Absolute masterpiece on subjective realism. One of my all time faves.

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A journey into one's perfectionism and self-destructiveness.

Natalie Portman killed it.

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I expected no less from Darren Aronofsky. This movie was absolutely beautiful, I felt every second of it, every emotion that Nina felt. I felt it with her. It was extremely powerful. Natalie Portman is one hell of an actor, she portrays this role EXTREMELY well. The last moments filled my body with gut-wrenching anxiety, but... In the best way possible. At the last seconds, my heart dropped. It was... Just amazing. She died for perfection, the same way the story went...

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I didn't like any of the characters. Nina (Natalie Portman) was talented but pathetic. Barbara Hershey played Nina's overprotected Mother/Frustrated former Ballerina-Jock and gave me "Carrie" flashbacks.

I'm not going to pretend that I followed what was real or what was a dream. The Lily character was significant but I wrestled with it. I suppose she was representative of Nina's bottled up dark side. It was easy to hate Thomas, especially early, but he did drive Nina toward the perfection that she sought and finally achieved.

This is a weird film which is to be expected as it's an Aronofsky thing. I've never been to a ballet but I'll be damned if I wasn't on the edge of my seat when Nina took the stage for the opening of Swan Lake. Good stuff.

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Great performance by Natalie Portman!

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Overrated. Not a bad movie but doesn't deserve such a high praise. Amazing acting by Natalie Portman.

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Natalie Portman did an outstanding job

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"I was perfect"

Natalie Portman is phenomenal. Her slow descent into madness is horrifying. Mila Kunis is great too. I really loved the cinematography. The way the camera moves during the dances is great. The amount of mirrors is this movie is absurd. It must of been tricky to never have the camera be seen. The color palate is used really well to show Nina's state of mind. The score is fantastic too. Overall is definitely an amazing physiological horror and one of Aronofsky's best.

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Didn't get drawn into the main character's turmoil. The atmosphere didn't feel intense. The sexual innocence and repressed stuff was cheesy teen stuff and just silly, including the jump scares and flashbacks. The whole story just bored me. The characters seemed to serve one dimensional purposes (controlling mom, old dancer, party dancer, stony-faced teacher) which can be fine and they do serve a purpose, but this is supposed to be a deep drama and with the rating I expect the storytelling to rely more on cliches?

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Shout by Basousii

Masterpiece . One of a kind movie.

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Maybe my favourite movie off all time..Its magic its from another planet and natalie portman was perfect!

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Shout by Deleted

I wish I could watch it

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obsess is the keyword, believe me

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This is quite an interesting film. I don't remember if I knew what to expect the first time I saw it, but it is still pretty surprising when you notice minor details you might have missed the first time. The two main actresses are both awesome. I love seeing characters slowly evolve over the span of the film, especially when it is this crazy. Honestly I did not know the whole time if the stuff was real or fake or what the final statement would be. The final scene is flat out awesome though.

Oh, and pretty damn good score. Has this Tchaikovsky guy done anything else?

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Shout by Deleted

Definitely one of my favorite films of all time. Natalie Portman is pure perfection.

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Such an awesome movie ❤️

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Black Swan was fucking perfect. Oh my god. That was so intense, so incredible, so flawlessly executed. My heart, man. So many chills. Ahhhhhhhhh. This had me squirming more than any other movie ever has. Absolutely incredible directing, cinematography and acting. Natalie Portman. I don't really have much more to say other than I love it to bits and if you haven't seen it already, you really really should because goddamn that was unbelievable. This is definitely now one of my top five favourite movies of all time.

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Shout by millie


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Erica Sayers: Everything will be better in the morning. It always is.

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Amazing in so many ways! Pace, camera work, sound effects, Natalie Portman...

It blew me away. Aronofsky is the new Cronenberg.

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Climate, poetry, anxiety causes shivers, chills running on the back, pretty psychedelic and Natalie like a dream.

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I could not finish it.

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Shout by Deleted

The lesbian scene in this was inadequate and unsatisfying.

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Very weird movie. I think the last 20 minutes were the best.

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'It was perfect.'

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wow. by the time in writing this i haven't seen "tree of life" yet, but this is the most overrated movie in years...

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I did not enjoy the first half of the movie as it was very slow for my taste but about 40min in I was hooked even though I didn't know whats going on, this is definitely not for everyone but I urge you to keep watching even if the first half hour bores you as you will understand it was necessary for the build up to the end. With this Portman is probably my favorite female actress of this generation & I doubt anyone else could portray the character the same way she did, over all this is a great movie and well worth the watch.

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Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan is a complex slow burn I found to be utterly engaging. Natalie Portman gives her most commited and powerful performance as Nina, the Swan Queen.

Matthew Libatique's cinematography draws you to Nina with his hand held and tight close ups and shows both the majesty of the stage and the loneliness in the quest for perfection with his wide masters.

Nina's erratic descent and final recognition reminded me of something I was once told; once you know you are mad, it's really quite liberating.

Totally ballerina!

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Boring and empty... :(

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The best movie about ballerinas I've ever seen! Come to thing of it, I've never seen a movie about ballerinas :S Brilliant movie non-the-less. 5 outta 5 stars!

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Absolutely brilliant! Portman is so extremely powerful, thank you!

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Shout by Deleted


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I'm impressed! Definitely not for everyone, but I got sucked in completely. Great re-telling/interpretation of the Swan Lake, great acting by Portman and the other main characters, and a way, way different feel to the movie then I was expecting from a ballerina story. Probably an absolutely-love-it or absolutely-hate-it type of movie.

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Shout by Deleted

I liked more requiem for a dream but this is good too.

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This movie will officially rip your face off.

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Natalie Portman was amazing but the movie itself was pretty slow. Not my favorite

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Shout by Michal Fifowski

OOh, swan bumps!

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Shout by Lio

superb! Seen it on the big screen and at first I was like "wtf am I doing here", at the end of the movie, I was more like "Natalie Portman is the best actress ever"...

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never seen such a fluent metamorphosis made by actor and director

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Shout by Richard

ThisMovie is great. In my top5.

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