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Blindness 2008


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Updated at 2024-09-28 14:20:05


Since 2005, each December, the Black List releases its annual list, a survey of the most liked unproduced screenplays of that year. The annual lists are aggregated using votes from film executives working in the film industry.

The annual lists have included such Oscar winning films as JUNO, THE KING’S SPEECH and ARGO.

At its heart the annual Black Lists are meant to shine a light on extraordinary screenwriting, some of which may have been overlooked more broadly.


Post Apocalyptic movies are some of our favorite kinds of movies to watch. Any work of fiction that involves people trying to survive in a destroyed world, just taps into our fear centers like few others. There are a few different ways that the world can end in these movies: nuclear holocaust, viral outbreak, alien invasion, nature revolting against us, or sometimes, the world even ends by supernatural means.

Many PA flicks are probably more based in the realm of Sci-Fi than they are pure Horror, but even the ones that stray too far from our Horror purview tend to be terrifying in their own right. Putting this list together meant including some of those types of movies, but in the end, they all fit quite neatly under the Post-Apocalyptic banner; even if a few of them are more accurately "End of the World" movies than they are Post-Apocalyptic.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you're in the mood for a truly quality Post-Apocalyptic flick, Horror or otherwise, any of the movies in our Top Six will do you right. For us, The Road Warrior is probably our all-time fave, although this year's Mad Max: Fury Road comes close. They all bring their own unique and terrifying vision to the Post-Apocalyptic Sub-Genre though.

For the remaining:

Below are the rest of our 30 Best Post-Apocalyptic flicks, and of course, a few Honorable Mentions thrown in for good measure. Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".



I Love to Watch Disaster Movies so I am providing this Great List of Disaster Movies for others to get their fill as well.


Dystopian Films

by ryanlouisk


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Updated at 2024-09-28 15:36:48


300+ One of the largest collections online! Updated Frequently. It is noted that exposure to frightening fictions allow audiences to practice effective coping strategies that can be beneficial in real-world situations. Fans of horror movies or ‘prepper’ genres were not only more prepared for the pandemic, they exhibited greater psychological resilience.


Warning: movies about rape and sexual abuse (read the description)

by Deleted

Warning: this list does not make apology to rape, abuse and to sexual violence, but I created as a warning to people sensitive on the subject and that can feel bad to see it on the screen. A lot of people already passed through abusive and violent situations, that's my tip about movies with scenes and subjects related to this abominable act to prevent some possible uncomfortableness.
(I'm sorry for my english)


Movie subgenre which flourished in the '70s, the disaster film revolves around some great natural or man-made catastrophe, such as an earthquake, fire or airplane crash. Generally the casts were made up of a virtual army of washed-up stars and familiar character actors. Once the disaster has commenced, the cast of stars is usually confronted with human weaknesses, often falls in love, and almost always finds a bad guy to blame. In the '90s, a whole new surge of disaster films hit the cinema, boasting increased technical know-how and huge budgets. Forgoing the more star-centered human dramas of the '70s, films like Dante's Peak and Armageddon turned up the volume and crushed lots of digitized people under acres of famous landmark rubble.


Contemporary Stage/Novel-to-Film


Virus, Bacteria,
Epidemic, Pandemic, Outbreak

Movies, Shows, Documentary



by Eric Michael Rasnier

