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Blonde 2022

If Hideo Kojima directed movies...

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The movie was a little long, but I thought it wasn't bad. I admired Ana de Armas once again, there were moments when I had difficulty distinguishing it from Marilyn Monroe. Although it is not a biographical film, it reveals the pain Marilyn experienced in her short life. I think he was murdered to cover up something.

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Extremely boring. Hard to watch, a piece of garbage.

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Very aesthetic and great acting but also very
hard to watch. This Marylin is sooo helpless
here. And I can't hear that word "daddy"

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Probably the worst movie I've ever seen. Confusing and not connected in any way. If you want to see ALL of Anna De Armas then watch it, otherwise run, save yourself!!

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"My films are fairly bereft of women and now I'm imagining what it's like to be one." ~ Andrew Dominik

Precisely. Terrible film.

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This might not be an entirely accurate depiction of Monroe's life but that doesn't mean its not a decent film. The direction is great, the acting is top form (Ana de Armas is especially good), and the whole film is engaging, despite the misery that is inherent within.

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We were surprised for good, we liked it, Ana de Armas very well, visually very good.

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I'll reuse my review for "Spencer".....A visually stunning piece of garbage...Maybe only bright spot in this entirely torturous and long movie is some really fine acting. Ana de Armas gives a nearly perfect performance. Her occasional slips in accent is quite jarring only because because the rest is so good. If you didn't hear it you should rewind to where she says something about being the blonde in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Ugggh so frustrating these weren't corrected. Adrian Brody gives a good performance. But the real shout outs go to Julianne Nicholson and Lily Fisher. Too bad the movie didn't live up to their fabulous performances. 2 hours and 47 minutes of my life I will never get back.

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Plays like an indulgent student film with somewhat better acting. The whole thing is an overdrawn montage of moments where the filmmaker is trying to be "creative" or "shocking" instead of actually doing anything that moves an audience forward with story. Not my kinda thing for sure (and a bit of an insult to make it that long on top of it all)

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is a very sad movie.

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Glad there are better movies with de Armas. Expected a biopic and came to find out it was all fake.

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'Blonde' is a strange one.

There is nothing about it that I'd scream from the rooftops about, yet the heavy run time of around 2hrs 47mins went by in an absolute flash - not once was I bored with what I was watching; I tend to check how long is left of a movie when I'm finding it dull, but with this I didn't check at all - as clear a sign as any that I obviously enjoyed it.

I'm not fully convinced why, admittedly. I think it's just really interesting to watch from start-to-finish, the acting is very good and the film is put together well. I wasn't sure about having Ana de Armas as Marilyn Monroe during the first few scenes, though I quickly lost those thoughts as she gives a great performance.

I get the criticisms (though how many biopics truly stick to reality?) but I predominantly judge films as films, and this is a very watchable one in my books. I'm not saying it's anything special, though for a near 3hr flick to fly by it evidently gave me what I require.

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[Netflix] That a film is labeled as exploiting an icon, which is the same criticism that was made of Joyce Carol Oates' book, indicates the fidelity with which its content is reflected. Among the chaotic and fragmented narrative, there is an interesting confrontation proposal: Norma against Marilyn, the mother who wants to have children against the body invaded by endometriosis that causes abortions, the actress against the sex symbol... The greatest weakness of the film is Ana de Armas, who seems to be more successful as Marilyn Monroe than Norma Jean, closer to the icon than to the person. But ultimately it is a film that manages to reflect the perversion of a masculinized world that manufactures exploited female symbols (Billy Wilder's portrait is especially devastating).

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I really loved this movie, Ana is just one of a kind, she really delivered. Cinematography also very good the use of B&W and color was spot on. I truly feel like this is not for everybody to watch or enjoy... I ended watching it much like the movie itself... in a sad note. Some comments say this movie portrayed Norma as unintelligent aka stupid, not at all... every time she tried to show her skills and what she had everyone just saw Marilyn. If you don't like the «jumping around in an incoherent way» like many said.
Well they didn't see what i saw then, you go through the emocional rollercoaster that she went and how could she put a smile after some events is just proof that she was stronger than most men that were around her.
Norma was just a victim of bad circumstances and good looks nonetheless I truly enjoyed this film and it's a shame that not many people are going to see it.

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This film gave me a headache but I just couldn’t stop looking at Ana de Armas.

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Gave it about 35 minutes and called it a day - completely incoherent and boring.

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Its awful, except for Ana`s acting. She deserves, at least, an Oscar nomination. But, for the rest, its terrible and doesnt make any sense.

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Its awful, except for Ana`s acting. She deserves, at least, an Oscar nomination. But, for the rest, its terrible and doesnt make any sense.

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The intention behind this movie remains a mystery to me. Director Andrew Dominik apparently wants to show how Monroe was exploited, but actually does it himself. I can appreciate a couple of beautifully shot pictures and a strong performance by Ana de Armas. But the whole tone of the film didn't appeal to me at all. Marilyn Monroe certainly had a troubled life, but I can't imagine that this biopic has much in common with reality. Only the low points of her life are shown, her successes are pushed to the background. In the end, Dominik has nothing more to say than 'Monroe had daddy issues'.

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Shout by 020202

it had quite the creative effects at times, they went all out with the cinematography, and Ana was great!

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It's.... Creative.... But I personally didn't enjoy it. Her life was clearly dark in a way we will never understand and it seems the director tried to capture that and her balance of being Marilyn v Norma and dealing with the traumas she continuously endured. Ana is a great actress and she fit the role well. The script and storyline/directing was all over the place though, so it became it's own thing rather than a biopic.

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Let's take an American icon and completely make up a story about her personal life and make it more Skinamax than Netflix. While we are at it, throw an NC17 rating on it to entice those who don't know that Internet porn is actually out there and have to rely on movies like this to make them happy.

This movie is just a mess and makes some pretty bold leaps into a life that is more interesting being vague.

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Why is Blonde so long? Before I even pressed play I was shocked by the runtime. And after watching it I still feel the same way. It doesn’t help the movie, but it’s not the biggest problem.

Ana de Armas is stunning in this, as to be expected. There are some amazing shots too, but that’s about all the positive I can say about this.

It’s not fun, interesting or true, but just one terrible event after the next in a random order. How are you supposed to follow this? Even worse, why would you want to?

I mean, she says “daddy” so much it can almost pass for a bad p:asterisk_symbol:rn movie and the whole baby thing… My god… What an absolute low point.

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What's with the satanic child speaking from her womb? Creepy af. Abort. Abort!

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As a sucker for biopics and a sucker for Ana de Armas, I was looking forward to this one more than I would like to admit. Was it good? Sure. Will it win some awards in the right critic circles? Possibly. But it’s not the upper echelon of biopics in my humble opinion. Firstly, it is far too long. They should have just made it a mini series, because despite being too long it felt glazed over in many areas. It is worth watching, but only to those that are already interested in it as it certainly won’t be for everyone.

Rating: 2.5/5 - 7/10 - Worth Watching

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I want to highlight the incredible technical production of the film: Cinematography, Sound, Art Direction. And the incredible performances of Ana de Armas and Adrien Brody.

It was a terrible decision to take as a reference a fictional novel which focuses exclusively on highlighting all the tragic aspects of Marilyn's life. Too bad, it could have been a great movie.

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Ana de Armas is stunning in this film but that's about it. The never-ending sequences of tragedy were depressing and that's not even the worst part of it. A movie about a woman who was so terribly treated by the industry, the press and the men around her should've never been done like this, in the most voyeuristic way possible. The scene where she's unwillingly performing oral sex on JFK was absolutely unnecessary. No women directors or producers would ever include such a scene, or, even if they did, it would've never been in such a disrespectful way.
And to top all that, the ridiculous anatomy-class type of videos of fetus and the shots filmed as if from the inside of her vagina. Again, so completely disrespectful, poor taste, gross. This film tries so hard to be hip, artsy, cult and it's just damn awful.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Let's be clear. Ana is fucking fantastic.
But this movie was so raw and difficult to watch I had to spread it over 2 evenings. I don't know how much was based in truth but I can believe a lot of it tbh.
Probably longer than it needed to be and very much in the art house movie space. It's a journey for sure... Just maybe not one I enjoyed.

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Movie is not good but Ana's acting is fascinating and great.

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I had been waiting for this film since the beginning of the year, with high expectations, but it was a great disappointment.

Poorly written, shitty soundtrack, monotonous movie in which there are 30 min of crying and depression and 5 min of happiness, and so on for all 3 hours. Some shots looked like cutscenes from some video game, choice of black and white alternating with color, cool but nonsensical (maybe I am stupid to understand the meaning and if someone wants to explain it to me, please do), meh editing.

The only thing that keeps me from giving a rating below 2.5 stars is Ana de Armas, she blew me away, she was great and also deserves the oscar nomination. Otherwise, the usual movie/documentary about Marylin Monroe about the bad things that happened in her life (and solely about those).


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Painful to watch. Like a car accident, you can’t stop but it is horrific and saddening.

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Yes the pacing is off. Yes Ana de Armas’ accent is a bit off. Yes the movie is long. Does this make it terrible? No. Coming from a perspective of not knowing much of anything about Marilyn Monroe, I found this film decent. I’m not sure where the line divides fact and fiction, but I can see why people love it or hate it. It has a very artistic style that can be hard to follow, but give it a try despite the reviews.

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Fantastic cinematography, especially the stylish black and white scenes. Besides the visuals, Ana de Armas is also the movie's second-best part, even though I would say 70% of the performance was her either crying or being nude.

However, I'm not sure what to feel about this one. It felt a note. I mean, before seeing it, I wanted to go in with the benefit of the doubt, but after watching it, there were some questionable and alarming choices the movie made that I can't ignore it.

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I didn’t even make it halfway through this movie. I thought this would be great considering it’s about such an icon. Yes I expected it to be fictionalised and loosely based on the truth much like The Crown. However, this was so slow, so dull, and I felt, so disrespectful.

It’s filmography is very film noir, trying desperately to be arty with a 4:3 aspect ratio but it simply doesn’t work. The film is super slow and about 2 hours longer than it needed to be. A snooze fest!

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The movie had such potential to be great if it wasn’t for the bad script. There were so many inaccuracies to Marilyn’s story that irked me so much. & what was up with the million topless scenes? Not to mention the rape scenes that never happened? Ana de Armas did a great job as Marilyn though. The way she looked and how in some scenes you almost believed it was the real Marilyn. Also the way she spoke so softly like Marilyn and then there were other times where Ana’s accent came through a little which took me out immediately again. Ana’s portrayal of Marilyn was great overall but oh man, the script was disastrous. I’m giving the movie a 5 out of 10 just cause of Ana’s performance. Definitely wouldn’t recommend it though just cause of the poor storytelling and constant back and forth between scenes.

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I really couldn’t enjoy this movie—first off, it has too many inaccuracies & second of all, they made the movie unnecessarily long. 3/10.

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The greatest and most beautiful possession movie since the Exorcist

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This is quite an artistic film. The cinematography is great and Ana de Armas is amazing as Marilyn. It‘s mind-boggling how much she does look like Marilyn in some scenes. The story on the other hand is weird, miserable and seems pointless. Why tell this fictional story and use a person that actually lived. There were definitely times during the film when I just wished that the movie would finally end.

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The fact that some actually take Andrew Dominik's fever-dream seriously tells you a lot.

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Had to switch it off after half an hour.

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I absolutely hate the 4:3 aspect ratio and even more that this movie jumps between different aspects at various times.

I had higher hopes regarding the storytelling. Not worth watching.

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Worst movie i have seen this year, it's not biopic , it's crazy noire slow slow motion movie, that could have ended in 20 the end of the movie what have you learned about Norma ? nothing..
Isn't anyone alive from her state to sue them for this crap i just watched.

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People who expect a traditional rise-and-fall biopic will be disappointed and angered. It reminded me of last years' Spencer. But more ambitious.

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Wow! As a lifelong fan, easily the best biopic of Marilyn. Amazing to look at, each outfit (and sometimes every pose) is carefully chosen from one of a thousand images we have all seen, giving a feeling of familiarity to every shot. A dark and sometimes disturbing look at a Monroe we often suspected dwelt behind the stunning façade of (until Diana) the most famous and photographed woman of the century. Ana de Armas is brilliant as the troubled star, so good you can almost believe it's actually her, especially in her eyes that have that sad, haunted look sometimes caught in photos of the real Marilyn. In the end a moving and terribly sad portrait of a tragic, flawed, iconic beauty. A must see!

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Would've been a complete waste of my time if it wasn't for Cass Chaplin's delicious performance (and face). Honestly, he's the only thing in this whole mess that's left an impression.

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I knew her latin accent would get in the way of her portrayal of Marilyn Monroe, Ana was the wrong cast for this. Out of all the movies I've seen about Marilyn's life, this is probably the worst. Also, why did this get an NC-17 rating, if it has less sex than Boogie Nights? I guess that was the cash grab to get viewers hooked in. Lastly, this is 3 long and boring hours of an artsy mess.

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The cinematography is great, even mesmerizing at times, Ana de Armas was pretty good (despite the accent), and Adrien Brody seemed like a natural to play Arthur Miller. However, the film is kind of a mess. It jumps around in an incoherent way. Everything sort of gets lost in it.

It pretty much just jumps from tragic event to tragic event. It felt like an endless slog of misery. I feel like they could've written Norma Jeane/Marilyn better. They make her come off as unintelligent, with daddy issues. But they fail to show how intelligent she truly was. They don't really show how she took charge of her career, and eventually started her own production company.

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this movie is terrible it's completely incoherent jumping back and forth it kind of rambles

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Did not expect a threesome scene straight out of Interstellar.

No but seriously. Esthetically and cinematography wise this movie is amazing. Looks absolutely stunning and we almost do it a disservice not watching it on the big screen.

Ana de Armas is absolutely incredible in this. Definitely gonna be Oscar nominated.

But script and story wise it was waaay too drawn out. Maybe it's just an artsy style that I don't get but I was pretty bored at times.

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what's up with review-bombing of this film?

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Just saw Blonde at the Festival de Deauville in presence of Ana de Armas and Andrew Dominik. The film was great and Ana in particular was incredible. Her performance as Marilyn Monroe is breathtaking. ANA DE ARMAS IS COMING FOR THAT OSCAR!!!

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