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Blood & Donuts 1995

So, this is a horror comedy, that is light on both horror and comedy. If anything, I would just call this a cult movie about a vampire - either you know what that means or you don't.
The story is paper thin, but that's fine. What matters is our trio of characters: Molly, Earl, and Boya.
Boya is our vampire, who looks more like a strung-out rockstar and less a vampire.
Earl - who sounds like Christopher Walken, for some reason - is a cabbie, who is mixed up with a group of gangsters.
Molly works at a doughnut shop. That's it. That's all she really does.
I can see some Crow (1994) influence here, only as a low-budget cult movie.
The movie is pretty short and sweet. Doesn't spend any time with backstory, we're just dropped into the world and it works.
A personal highlight for me was the maestro, David Cronenberg, playing the lead gangster. So cool that he would just pop up in a little no-budget horror movie.
There is a post-credit scene, so stick around for that.

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