Personal Lists featuring...

Bloody Moon 1981


Horror from the 1980's. Updated regularly.


The U.S. film industry term "grindhouse" refers to (now mostly defunct) movie theaters specializing in B-movies, often exploitation films, shown in a multiple-feature format.


Horror featured on Night Flight. Updated weekly.


Horror featuring madness. Updated weekly.


Dramatic horror. Updated regularly.


Tubi US, Hoopla, Kanopy, Roku US, Pluto TV US


Series and films with an erotic-festive context from European or neighboring countries.


Not for those with heart conditions. You might get dirty looks if you mention these films. Welcome aboard fellow traveller. Remember it's only a movie...


Horror is one of the most readily dismissed genres from critics and film buffs, yet is, arguably, the genre with the most avid and steadfast niche following and remains popular with the general public. With horror films aiming to terrify, spook, shock, disturb, repulse, amuse, entertain and more, it's no wonder the genre is so varied, divisive and controversial.

With so many people ignoring or simply not understanding horror, many great films slip under the radar and are relatively unknown to an audience outside of hardcore horror fans. In order to counteract this and bring awareness to the greatness of the genre, this list was created.

Compiled using 2,614 lists taken from various critics/polls/magazines/books/websites/forums/horror fans, They Shoot Zombies, Don't They? is intended to be the ultimate canonical top 1000 horror list. Spanning several decades, countries and sub-genres, and using lists from a wide range of people and publications, the resulting list is quite a diverse spread and representation of the best of horror.



One of the foundational sub-genres of horror is the Slasher, a type of horror film that sees a killer stalk and slay a group of characters. Usually, the killer is masked, and the preferred weapon of choice tends to be of the bladed variety. Slashers have been around for decades, with films like Peeping Tom and Psycho credited as prototypes for the sub-genre and Halloween touted as the seminal slasher that set the mold for the modern slasher. It was the latter’s massive success that heralded in the Golden Age of Slashers. Source:
