Shouts about...

Blue Beetle 2023

Blue Beetle movie is an incredibly thrilling superhero film that will make you want to cheer on the lead character Jamie Reyes throughout his heroic journey. The film brilliantly showcases the iconic Blue Beetle character and delivers an action-packed story that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

The special effects and visuals are top-notch, immersing the audience into the world of Blue Beetle, and making the action sequences genuinely spectacular. The film's narrative is emotionally charged and grips the viewer from start to finish.

Moreover, the diverse casting and representation in the movie are truly fantastic, with authentic portrayals of Latinx culture, and strong performances from the lead actors.

Overall, the Blue Beetle movie is a must-watch for superhero fans and anyone looking for an exciting, action-packed film with a positive message of perseverance, friendship, and heroism. It's a great example of how the superhero genre can evolve by bringing new and underrepresented characters to the forefront. Can't wait to see this movie.

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As someone who's not a fan of superheroes, this movie made me so excited for all the superhero stuff! I loved the fight scenes and the suit design, everything is flawless. All the cast did a fantastic job but I need to share my love for Bruna. As a Brazilian, I'm so proud to see her being a part of a project as beautiful as Blue Beetle and I couldn't help but cry watching our little Salete in action. Hopefully, this movie will open doors for her in Hollywood!

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I was expecting a low level A, maybe good B level, movie. Instead super funny, A level, comic book hilariousness. Lopez is funny. It's not exactly a kid movie. Pre-teen to tween, definitely, but a whole hell of a lot for the adults to enjoy, especially the comic book geeks. Sleeper hit with a follow up prequel. Just loved it.

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I could gush about this for a long time but I'll keep it short -- it's fantastic. This is going to be a word of mouth hit because there's no one who leaves it who won't want to get other people to see it.

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Considering this is effectively Gunn's DCEU equivalent of Iron Man.

It's (almost) as good as Iron Man, in my opinion. Yes, there's clichés left, right and centre but it does everything it should do, and it does it with so much heart.

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- has English subs which include Spanish-to-English if you choose the MEGA server link.

Of course, protect yourself: Use Libre Wolf or Firefox with uBlock Origin.

Note: If you weren't crying when the Father died, or helped Jaime bond with Kaiju, then you weren't getting the full on experience -- your dopamine volume control may be stuck at four (not for me to say, I just know from personal experience in...other domains in my life).

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DC didn't screw this one up! It's a good origin story and a very well made Blue Beetle, with the right story line. Fun and heart warming with the right amount of action, and loved George Lopez in the movie. Can't wait for the sequel.

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Turned out to be one of the best DC films to-date, with the likes of Watchmen (from a comics fan POV). I highly respect the way they did the movie, as I read the comic version of this, and actually casting Mexican's to fit with the comic and keep it the way it was when Jaime Reyes became the Blue Beetle. I did not re-read the books prior to watching the film, but I remember certain panels very clearly, and I really respect the authenticity from comic-to-film.

Edit: The comic started in 2006 during "Infinite Crisis" and there weren't a lot of books with Mexican's as the headliner, and what it is like in the US for Mexican American's in the US. So while this movie may feel like yet-another-superhero movie with a Mexican twist, it is more, as this book took a chance and as a person who was never big into DC, I read the first volume of this via issues on my pull list.

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An entertaining surprise that’s full of heart. More people need to see it but Snyderheads are on strike. Since WB won’t make more Snyder movies.
Which is pretty toxic and makes them fake DC fans if they can’t get behind a comic based movie. Just because the Snyderverse is dead.

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It was great! When is the sequel??

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'I'm Jaime, not Jaime.'

This was so funny and well done! I absolutely loved the focus on family. I want Xolo Mariduena as Blue Beetle forever ahhh

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I went in with low expectations and was pleased with what I saw. Sometimes it's about that, the expectations created.

Bruna!! :blue_heart:

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Blue Beetle was surprisingly decent.

Superhero movies nowadays have become formulaic and the story has a very linear progression. However, I finally know what it feels like to feel represented in superhero movies. Even though it's about a hispanic guy and I'm ethnically Pakistani, the culture was relatable: the migrant family background story, the whole family rooting for you as the one who will get an education and succeed. The scene where they dropped Jaime off at the office and whole family was there for him... Reminded me of my family dropping me off at the airport, or at uni for the first time.

I used to be neutral when it came to 'representation' on screen, but after this movie, I realised how good it can feel to see a bit of yourself reflected in a superhero movie.

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Straightforward story done well. Enjoyed the latin celebration, especially when it was left untranslated.

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At a time when superhero movies are getting grief, and DC is soft rebooting the whole universe, what is the expectations for Blue Beetle? I am honestly not sure, but I enjoyed it! It is a smaller scale superhero movie with good humor and action that takes the slight nod over Ant-Man 3 that also came out this year!

Rating: 3/5 - 75% - Worth Watching

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Highly entertaining for the most part, thanks to the talented cast and family dynamic. Sarandon's baddie barely registered as a threat, however, so that dragged down my opinion of the film a little.

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Surprisingly well paced superhero adventure with characters that had good development and funny parts.

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I actually enjoyed this. It's not a masterpiece of a movie but it was pretty fun. Liked the CGI and action, and laughed here and there with the really, REALLY silly scenes. And it's a good movie to pass the time.

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I'm tired of superhero movies but this one had just the right amount of cheese. And jokes in two languages!

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This is a lot of fun. It is also a great example of what some of the other Comic Book Super Hero movies have been lacking of late - Heart and Humor. Nana almost stole the whole show. George Lopez was used well here too. His over the top character was a lot of fun to watch.

However, there is one thing that bothered me a bit. Jaime tried so hard to convince Khaji NOT to kill, and yet his family did lots of killing in the final battle. Just saying.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Well, if you don't overthink it, you'll enjoy the movie.

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Shout by Nathan_UK

Another DC/Marvel superhero venture… have we reached saturation point? Yes. Are they still enjoyable for what they are? Yes. It’s kind of Spider-Man back story meets Iron Man forward story. It has its moments but tries too hard with the comedy angle and they all do that this millennia. The gran being Yoda-esque (the sequels anyone?) by appearing frail then super badass for me was ridiculous, as was Rudy the uncle seamingly super intelligent at hacking and flying aircraft that no one had ever seen before! It’s a DC fluff piece but an enjoyable one at that and the actors do well to sell it. Especially the lead, though it’s hard not to associate him still with his Cobra Kai character. Are all Mexicans living in poverty and need Americans to further their chances in life? OK, we may need our hero to come from humble beginnings but I couldn’t help but think this was a Hollywood/American cliche. That said, it was fun so go see it if you haven’t already.

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they implied that the grandpa gave the company to his son instead of the wife because he was sexist. but the lady is a crazy lunatic who wouldn't bother to kill her own granddaughter. so they just throw any line they could to put this little topics like they always do to pretend that they care

but the movie is fun

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Very cute superhero movie. loved the spirit.

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Blue Beetle introduces Jaime Reyes, a Mexican-American who becomes the titular superhero through a symbiotic relationship with an artifact, the scarab. The film draws inspiration from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, evoking tones reminiscent of Ant-Man and Spider-Man: Homecoming. While it feels somewhat goofy, this lighter approach is a breath of fresh air for the DC universe. The film's strength lies in its emphasis on family bonds, with standout performances from George Lopez and Adriana Barraza. This emotional depth makes you genuinely care about the characters.

However, Blue Beetle falls short in terms of originality, feeling like a familiar superhero narrative with a few too many clichéd beats. Its ultimate place within the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) or the wider DC Universe (DCU) remains unclear, contributing to the film's somewhat muddled identity. Despite its shortcomings, Blue Beetle manages to entertain and offers a promising change in direction for the DC cinematic universe.

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It’s not the best movie of super heroes, is a unknown super hero for me, but I liked, I lost a good time seeing this movie, and I didn’t know who’s Bruna Marquezine before this movie

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For a DC movie , it didn’t suck!!!

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Average movie. Enjoyable, but takes a while to get going. I wasn't happy with the lack of subtitles for the Spanish part's and there's quite a bit of Spanish spoken. Try get the subtitles before watching. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Blue beetle is very awesome!! WoW!:clap_tone1::clap_tone1::thumbsup_tone1::thumbsup_tone1:

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They tried to make it too fun and easy digestible and it turned out like a cartoon for kids. Maybe a 6.5 instead of 7.

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Received an invitation to the premiere, and as you guessed, it had very typical superhero tropes. I don't really mind it and kinda dig the light-heartedness. The storyline isn't groundbreaking but the slapstick humor here and there makes it a fun watch. I'm glad I went, it was a great choice to unwind on a midweek evening.

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Bruna Marquezine is uncommonly beautiful. Now that that's out of the way...

I appreciate how it tries to take on some more serious themes, but there's so much stupidity here that I can't wholeheartedly recommend it. Maybe I'm just getting too old for these movies.
- I lost it at "suit rebooting" - what's the use of a suit that doesn't work half the time?
- When villains attack normal people, they pull their punches so as to give them a chance.
- Dialogue was so predictable I mouthed multiple lines along with the characters.
- Whatever arc there is feels completely unearned.

Was Batgirl really worse than this?

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It was okay, i definitely liked that Jaime's family wasn't in the background, and Nana was a fun supprise.
My Score: fine 6/10

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Nothing groundbreaking, quite predictable, but that doesn't mean it's boring. A lot of action interspersed with a bit of fresh humor thanks to the introduction of Latino culture.

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Why is the old lady only speaking Spanish but everyone speaks English that she can understand.

What the fuck??? Either stick to entire dialog being in Spanish or English. Hate it when writers do this kind of crap. It’s super annoying.

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i think if you're sick of superhero movies you might like this all the more for it. it's cheesy and silly and takes itself seriously far less often than it pokes fun at itself. also khaji-da's character growth arc is big cute.

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It's not very often that I can describe a movie with one word but this one is very "Textbook".

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Superhero movies are rinse and repeat these days, and like the rest of them Blue Beetle is not without flaws, but it's nice to see a more obscure hero take center stage. This one is definitely more fun than Black Adam, and in my opinion Uncle Rudy is the true star of the show.

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Blue Beetle is a typical superhero movie. The storyline is uncomplicated and it's kinda refreshing. In between all the heroic stuff the the touch of family sentiment worked out well. Unlike Marvel movies the humour didn't worked out well.

We can call this movie 'a good family entertainer'.

If 'DCEU' aims to snatch the critical acclaim, it's gonna need something more mature and ripend to perfection.

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Blue Beatle had so much potential to be a great film. To bad they dumbed it down and turned it into a joke. The only thing missing is the gay representation which is super surprising these days.

Anyway at least it’s entertaining enough to waste 2 years of your life.

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Started off OK, but the finale got a little dumb. Machine gun granny, farting robots, and a power glove, all pretty much killed what would have been a decent DC movie.

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Good pacing, the suit is genuinely sick and I enjoyed the fights, Blue Beetle is really kind of unique with his powers. VFX work generally is top notch. The only things dragging this movie down is a bland narrative and a boring aesthetic, even with good VFX it doesn't look that interesting. However, I was surprised how the movie doesn't hold back punches when it comes to collateral damage and how it is to hold so much power, and the characters are likable.

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Yep, it's a comic book movie alright. Ultimately, you know exactly how this one plays out. Acquire powers, backstory, introduction of antagonists, culminating in a large, rock-em-sock-em finale where things explode and heroes punch villains in the face; It's rote but fully expected from this kind of movie. It's stylish with an 80's-nostalgic edge but far from anything original and unique, pulling influence from all of its contemporaries including Iron Man, Spider-Man, Transformers and Green Lantern. What does set it apart however is the direct focus on the family unit, and the cast of characters that make up this dysfunctional troop of Reyes'. For brief moments the movie has a lot of heart, more so than many of its peers in the CBM space so I have to commend it for that. You'll be hard pressed to come out the other side of this movie and not want to know the Reyes family in real life. All in all, it's still exactly what you expect, but if you're a glutton for CBMs and the comfy power fantasy they provide, I don't think you'll be disappointed by Blue Beetle.

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"The universe has sent you a gift, and you have to figure out what to do with it."

Blue Beetle doesn't change the superhero genre or anything new that you haven't seen before. However, I enjoyed this one.

The movie has so much heart and character that it is hard to dislike. Some cool action set pieces as well.

I say give it a watch.

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Incredibly lackluster beginning that failed to give depth to the characters (George Lopez really shined though), got a lot better in the middle and redeemed itself (I'm a sucker for a tight-knit immigrant family), then finished up with a cliché and overdone ending.

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solidly okay - iron man meets bugs life

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A good film, with an interesting story, decent special effects, good action scenes and captivating characters. He also makes some relevant criticisms, however, it can seem a little slow and cliché at times. Still, it's worth watching, especially for the added factor of having Chapolin in the film.

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We get it. Family isn't a weakness, it's a strength. The message was about as subtle as being hit in the face with a shovel. Susan Surendon portrayed probably the worst villain in a superhero movie I've ever seen.

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Gave it a 6 really not all that impressive. that's a shame cause blue bettle is awesome.

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Ok so it was a bit of fun and the CGI wasn’t half bad. Main actress was cute but I swear her accent changed every scene. The family thing was a bit forced and the Nana thing was utterly ridiculous and was just unnecessary.
All in all, I didn’t hate it but I don’t think I’ll ever watch it a second time.

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What the hell kind of super hero movie is this? The super hero is a bumbling fool for the first 1h40m. The girls have more guts then the main character. Shit the old lady has more guts in her crippling legs then the super hero.

And then all of a sudden he finds his balls and and starts kicking ass. Where the hell did he learn it. Terrible character development / growth.

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Nana was the true hero

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Like an 80-year-old redneck on Viagra: slow to get started, predictable climax and too much family involved.

This Spider-Man meets Venom works best when it leans into its Hispanic-ness.

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And YOU get an iron man suit..aaaaand YOU get an iron man suit AND YOUUU get an iron man suit ppphhhfffrrrttt

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It looks like a movie generated by an AI taking the typical topics of superheroes and here those of Latinos are added to make the "humor" and throwing them randomly to see what comes out, it's not a disaster but it doesn't transmit anything at all.

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I really wanted to like Blue Beetle, but I just couldn't vibe with it - even as someone that liked the Flash, Suicide Squad, and thought the most recent Shazam was okay

Xolo plays Jaime well, but the character himself has no real personality outside of being attracted to Jenny. Susan Sarandon as Victoria Kord was atrocious and ruined my immersion whenever she was on screen, babbling about the exact same thing in every scene

The movie was also incredibly predictable and failed to surprise me in any sense. SXF were dope, the suit was perfect, and Jaime's family had some decent scenes - but the rest fell flat

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Just another cookie cutter superhero movie. It wasn't that bad, but a lot of cringe-worthy dialog,and subpar acting.

Oh, and I absolutely hated Susan Sarandon in this... What a waste of a talent

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It's a shame that when Hollywood decides to be more inclusive, it over-compensates to a point where it becomes more of a gesture than a sincere investment in minorities. Blue Beetle at its best is a fun-packed spectacle, full of tropes and re-hashed superhero concepts that I wished brought something more nuanced to the genre. Will there be a sequel? Who cares… I won't be spending another 128 minutes on a economy-class Spiderman.

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I might be in the minority, but I much prefer the dark DC universe. It offered some relief from the comical Marvel world.

I just couldn't take this movie seriously. Even worse the jokes fell flat.

The support characters seem to be there mostly for convenience. Forced humor. Mute reactions to huge events. The daughter / sister tried to seem edgy but it never felt natural.

It felt like a knockoff of Marvel antics - Ironman's suit, Spiderman's naivete and dryish humor, cinematography and more.

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Well blue beetle is a heartwarming family comedy, I mean it would be heartwarming if you could give a crap about the family and comedy if it was funny. Tries to single out the plight of poor latinos again if their plight was any different from anyone else’s. So eventually you get some comic book action and the lead is doing everything to not kill anyone. As blue beetle should, but everyone else just straight up murders the crap out of the bad guys, if you consider paid corporate security as evil. During the family musical murder montage they joke about impaling some poor schmuck. Yes the bad were occasionally threatening an innocent family and there is an evil crazy ole white lady leading them. It’s just the tone for the lead and the rest of the movie is a total mismatch.

I love some movie violence but it doesn’t work with a cringe bad Latino family comedy or a teenage superhero movie. Which is what blue beetle should be.

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Movie is okay, weirdly uneven. Tone is immature like it is intended for young kids, but they toss in a handful of swearing in English and Spanish, and just enough fighting to to make it pg-13. Also, it starts slow. I've seen much worse superhero movies but I wouldn't watch it again.

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Overdone and generic. (i need atleast 5 words for a review)

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Badly shot, badly written not funny story. is this the new face of DC? It's not better

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And I am generous with this rating. I am a casual DC viewer (marvel fan boy) blue beetle is just a suit that everyone can wear and you don’t need to have any skills at all, the suit does everything for you. You are just watching what happens and feel the pain when you get a fistbump in your belly but bullets can’t hurt you… his family was fun, until they became a BIG PART of this movie. And carried Jaime/blue beetle to victory. How can a fk grandmother defeat highly trained soldiers and blue beetle can’t defeat one single soldier. The writers really made blue beetle look like a great and powerful being at first, and then he became a side character to his own movie and had 0 power.

Neymars ex-girlfriend was the only reason I watched this movie to the end.

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So... many... quips...
Good acting and good representation, but this movie still feels generic, but maybe that's due to my lack of Latino blood. This movie ultimately doesn't matter anyway.

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Just ANOTHER super hero movie. Not bad, not offensive, just MEH. So MEH. A by the numbers copy and paste affair, with the "latin" angle.

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meah. dont writers know when to end a movie anymore. this movie has like 5 endingscenes

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Damn the preview looks cheesy. Am I the only one that’s ODed on super hero movies?

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2023-08-18T22:11:44Z— updated 2023-08-20T19:15:54Z

Not sure why the critics are into this one, although with all the dogshit this genre has been serving up lately, this is probably a little better by virtue of not really trying. Much like Black Adam, you can tell right away which superhero films it’s pulling from creatively and it doesn’t bother to put its own spin on it. The Latin migrant experience and gentrification angle is a little interesting, but it doesn’t make up for how generic and low effort everything else is. Just watch this one from the comfort of your own home if you’re interested, that’s how it was intended to be seen anyway.


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Susan Sarandon officially takes the "worst performance in a superhero movie" from Mickey Rourke

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Just terrible. Nonesense and only funny during the first 5 min maybe. Didn't have any expectations as I only wanted to enjoy the Soda Stereo song on the BSO but its sadly on in the last scene :(

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We finally have answer to the question:
How it would look, if a production that looks like a high school theater group had a 100M$ budget? ... and it does not look good.
Actually, I believe a real high school theater would do a better job.

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Clumsy all-around, made-for-tv movie vibes. Everything on the nose.
Points for the tip discourse. And debt discourse.

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Would make a great kids tv show about a Mexican family and their son the superhero, but as a movie it's not compelling.

Susan Sarandon gives a very non-inspired performance. She read the script and said the words but that's it.

The movie has the overall feeling of being shot on a low budget soundstage, but it doesn't have bad special effects.

Really, the special effects are the only watch worthy part.

Maybe if they found a lead actor with star potential, he would have elevated the movie, but there is no reason to see more of him when the suit is the draw, not the person in it.

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This was trite and formulaic. This is the after-school special level of superhero movies. It's embarrassing that DC thought that this would kick off their new film franchise. This film was so derivative and so poorly written, it's astonishing that it was greenlit.

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It wasn't as embarrassingly bad as Flash, but close.

It felt like they fed a random sample of superhero movies from the last 20 years and the Wikipedia entry on "Blue Beetle" into an AI and told it to write a script. Then got an AI to direct it.

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Quite the letdown. I like Xolo from Cobra Kai, and he delivered. But the story he was delivering was really not well done. Nothing makes sense or ads up. He gets his butt whooped then just decides to actually use his suit later and whoop butt. Very much a below average superhero movie. Some laughs, but overall just very meh.

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I seldom don't plod through a movie no matter how bad it is, but I gave up half way through this one.

The characters are bland stereotypes based primarily on racial / class based nonsense.

The script is so generic that I'm convinced any AI could have written a much better story.

The CGI is overplayed and annoying.

I can't tell if the actors suck or if it's just the awful script. Probably it's mostly the writing, but the actors certainly didn't do themselves any favors.

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Imagine Fast & Furious meets DC meets power rangers. That’s this movie.

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ridicously terribile.. skip this movie

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Could have been a great film, but looks like someone took the good ol' diversity bat to it like so many others. Such a shame, the actors were good, the story reasonably funny and the special effects were great. It was just the dialogue that was terrible.

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This movie is goofy as fuck, the acting sucks, the CGI looks like power rangers fighting, worst DC movie ever

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Spy kids meets George Lopez show .. trash

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Quite possibly one of the worst super hero movies ever.
I put this below even The Flash because the only negative I had about that was Ezra Miller, this one however was awful throughout.
The only positives I can give credit to are the SFX which while not groundbreaking in any sense were quite well done.

I'm not going to go into any negatives because there are literally too many, if this is the direction that the DCU is going then count me out.

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Wow, this was just bad. Writing horrible, acting horrible, story horrible, effects horrible, pacing non-existent. I can't think of one thing that I liked. Who wrote this sh*t. Was it like a 10-year-old in the "Make a wish" show, that wished for his script to be made into a movie? I can't believe they spend money on this. I would rather watch the telenovela they shown on the TV than this.

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Had high hopes for the movie, but am very disappointed. The plot is weak and slow. The graphics are poor. The action sequences are mediocre.
It has Vin Dieael levels of fAMiLiA cringe.
Could've been something great but DC again squandered it.

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"Palmera City" looks like a crazy city.

You can just run around shooting hundreds of rockets blowing up everything without a single police car ever showing up.

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I had so many issues with this movie. The biggest problems for me were the ridiculous technology aspect (outside of blue beetle).

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I thought that with “Flash” I had enough but, it is clear that I am a masoch and I swallowed this nonsense. “Black Panther” style movie but bad. If the point was to release a film to take up space on the billboard, they succeeded. But at the price that, every time Warner releases one like this, we lose our desire to see it.

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It is so embarrassingly bad. Way worse than, for example Flash. Save your time and don't watch it. It's just bad. Really bad...

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A DC movie that tries way too hard to be a Marvel movie and fails miserably…
Poor acting, bad dialogues, very annoying characters (especially the uncle…)

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28 minutes in and WTF! Is this for real! The "acting" and the cgi!

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If there is a more generic cookie cutter way to put this movie together I sure as hell can't think of one...... The dialogue is trash awful, the scenes are forced, the humor is like an AI wrote it, I mean what is this hot pile of garbage?? The only people who did their jobs were the CGI team, everybody else phoned it in.

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This is definitely one of the worse DC movie ever, Character development, dialogues, story, whatever you look for in a good movie, it's definitely missing in this one. Totally predictable. May be fine for kids who would be happy to see some colours here and there otherwise this movie has nothing to offer for anyone who is looking to spend some good time. There is no sense in this movie plot. Unnecessary drama, and needlessly prolonged scenes. DC could use some good writers and directors who can present the movie in somewhat better way. I never thought that I would be disappointed this much by any movie.

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I thought this film was going to be great and serious. For me, it is clownish. I did not enjoy it!

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just wandering how gave this movie a green light

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This is just generic as hell. Why do they need to say every minute that they are Mexican?

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Say what you will about this movie but ain’t no way you don’t want to see more of nana and her badassery.

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Came in to this without much prior knowledge, and really enjoyed the film from start to end.

It’s got a fair chunk of humour in it, sort of similar to Ant-Man/The Flash type, and some really good details.
Plot was fairly predictable, but the whole film was a joy to watch start to end.

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If they cancel this I'm actually going to sob

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