Personal Lists featuring...

Blue Beetle 2023


Latest releases with IMDB score 6.7+ and minimum votes 10000+


Peliculas que se descargaron


TV Shows I'm currently following on @seristapp


Includes all films and shows that I own; as well as, what I have watched and rated since 2018. Will update rankings accordingly.

Rating Scale:
10 - One of my all time favorites!
9 - Great, but not quite a favorite.
8 - Really good, you should check it out.
7 - Good. It was worth watching.
6 - It had more good than bad, if you like the genre then it is not a bad watch.
5 - It is neither here nor there
4 - It has more bad than good, its not awful, but far from good
3 - It was a bad watching experience, you should not watch it.
2 - Nearly unwatchable
1 - It is actually painful to watch


Movie list for Radarr


Give em a try. You might like these.
