Shouts about...

Blue Streak 1999

:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - This film is pure entertainment and you can watch it a 100s of times without getting tired.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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"Move your busted-ass vehicle. Move, move, move, move. This is the LAPD. We'll pop one in your ass. We got guns and shit."

Other than the Bad Boys franchise, this is the movie I think of when I think of Martin Lawrence. His jokes can be hit or miss, but I feel like this movie services them pretty well. Also, I forgot that Dave Chappelle was in this!

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I thought Martin Lawrence as the pizza delivery guy was the funniest thing as a kid. His energy makes the movie worth watching.

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Sit back, turn off your brain, and watch Martin Lawrence offends anything and anyone in ear shot.

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Watchable. But very average. Martin Lawrence carried the movie but that's not saying too much.

I didn't turn it off. Yet I didn't find it very funny. Just about funny enough for me to stay tuned in until it finished with a whimper.


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One of my favorites of Martin's.

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one of classical tv movies

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This was actually not that bad. Had some funny moments and very watchable. Not going to be very memorable, but good to chill out to without much thought required.

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