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Bob Marley: One Love 2024

Huge Bob Marley fan. Terrible film. The commenters who said the acting is good must be smoking some good sh*t… ooh and let’s use the word biopic.

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Even though 'Bob Marley: One Love' is definitely a rather generic biopic by the numbers, the movie does have a few highlights. Both Kingsley Ben-Adir and Lashana Lynch deliver strong performances as Bob and Rita Marley. And whenever you get the feeling that the plot is getting a bit tedious, the great music always makes up for it. It helps that 'Exodus' is such a fantastic album. All in all, a legend like Bob Marley might have deserved a more creative movie about himself, but it could have been far worse.

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It's fine, just nothing all that memorable.

I had a pleasant enough time viewing 'Bob Marley: One Love', though it does kinda seem a bit hollow post-watch - as in I don't feel like I've learned much nor actually seen that much, the movie has like three noteworthy events but then that's kinda it. The music from those involved also didn't feel amazingly utilised, I guess they didn't want it to be too jukebox-y.

Kingsley Ben-Adir does well in the lead role as Bob Marley himself. I'm not a Marley superfan or anything close, I basically only know his biggest hits, but the resemblance of Ben-Adir seemed off to me - a thought that was only solidified when the real Marley appears via archive footage at the end. Perhaps that's just me, though.

Lashana Lynch gives a good performance, spearheading the rest of the cast who are alright; interesting to see James Norton, Michael Gandolfini too... even if I didn't realise it was Gandolfini until the credits. Overall, it does feel like the film only scratches the surface of Marley's life. I wanted more from it, but to be fair it is still a decent flick in my opinion.

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I'm not, but any means, a fan of Reggae music. But I'm a fan of the idealogy that everyman can live side by side without conflict. I knew the songs, because who doesn't and it was an enjoyable movie. I've heard a lot was missed out, but from a passive viewpoint, it was a great insight into a genius man.

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Boring and messy movie, doesn't know exactly what it's trying to show us at the end of the day. Just like most biopics lately.

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They did a good job with the trailer. They made me believe that this film would be captivating. Unfortunately, it was anything but.

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Bob Marley and his music crosses generation of people and whatever tastes in music you have Bobs music winds its way into alot of people's soul, but alas, this film does nothing to cement that, messy up and down with subliminal messages of his childhood with no real foundation of what he was really like. it's a 6 out of 10 from me, and that's because the music playing was actually him.

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Don't understand a thing in this movie

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Shout by Ro

What a performance by Lashana Kynch

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Saw this available on Prime and thought I'd give it a shot, I should have watched something else. This was boring. I didn't understand the conflict really after being dropped into it oddly with text on screen. And then ends with text on screen. This "biopic" was so bland.

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I enjoyed the music and learning about Bob Marley as a person. I think the narrative could have been presented more succinctly. It was a small glimpse into his life and also a little all over the place.

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Generally the movie is quite ok. It's played well and gives a little insight to Roberts life, but also misses a lot of important milestones in his life. It feels a bit like the producers just wanted to jump up on the current trend of making movies about musicians (Rocket Man, Elvis etc).

If you're really interested in the topic, go watch the 2012 movie "Marley". Covers his life and his message of peace much better and also shows really good interviews with his former band colleagues.

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Underwhelming and uninformative. A lot of music biopics feel fake, and this fits right in. The production felt good, same with the cinematography, but it's nothing great. The acting from Kingsly felt so put on it took me out of several scenes. The whole 'biopic' side was so unbalanced. It dragged out parts that don't add to his life and completely misses parts that do. The musical side to this was great because of Bob's songs. The dialogue and pacing match each other in the number of times I eye rolled. A letdown from the key parts I thought it needed but an adventure for the good few parts.

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The acting is great, and I learned a bit about Bob Marley's life, or what Hollywood released anyway. The acting was fantastic, and of course the music is legendary, hence the reason a movie would be made about him in the first place. This was a fun biopic, assume 85-90% is non-sense, and focus on the facts, the things from the news, etc., and enjoy the ride, music, and insight into a yet another flawed Human, who despite his flaws was able to help push a much needed revolution towards love and away from war; too bad the people in power are too ignorant to listen to the message.

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I've always liked Bob Marley. I'm glad this was a well done biopic, I really enjoyed it.

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Shout by JC

Pretty run of the mill biopic. Killer performances from Ben-Adir and Lynch anchor but don’t elevate a formulaic script. I appreciate it trying to focus on one part of Marley’s life, and more experimental things like the field burning, but it still hits all the beats you’d expect and treads no new ground.

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I knew nothing about Bob Marley's life (shame on me) and I can't believe what an interesting life he had. The songs are obviously amazing and I thought all the actors did a good job.

There are a few scenes that weren't necessary in my opinion (like the manager stealing money, it doesn't add anything to the story they're telling in my opinion but if it happened, I get they want to show that also).

There is one scene where a plane lands in London that looks so fake and it's hilarious because it's not even an important shot.

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What's that one biopic where they take an iconic and unique individual's life and force it through the Hollywood grinder to make generic pap for the masses? Oh yeah, all of them.

Bob Marley took an entire genre of music and made it special. Important. This (albeit earnest) movie with its info dumps, flashbacks, and God-awful wigs does neither to Bob Marley's legacy.

One Love is like a sausage: all Polish and no Heart. Watch the documentary Marley (2012) instead.

(I did enjoy the reference to the documentary White Riot which explored Rock Against Racism movement in 1970s England, which paired reggae bands with punk bands so that whites and blacks would hang out together and support each other. In this movie, Bob and some Wailers are in a punk club and "The Clash" is on stage performing the song White Riot.)

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I came in expecting a level of production like: Rocketman, A star is born, Lalaland but my god was I wrong. If you do not love Bob, then this movie ain't for you

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Solid acting can’t lift this above just being okay. It kinda coasts through random parts of his life and feels like I’m getting a cliff notes version of this real life legend. It made me want to learn more about Bob Marley and atleast the music was really good when played. Better than Boheim Rhapsody atleast.

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I'm not going to watch this film. I've seen plenty of footage of Marley both performing and in interviews over my lifetime. From the trailers, I can see that the casting of the central role is just plain wrong. Plonking on a dreads wig does not magically transform an actor into Bob Marley, you need to act like him too and Kingsley is clearly not up to the job.

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Nothing but a cash grab.

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