Shouts about...

Boogie Nights 1997

The plot did not captivate me. Felt like it was all over the place. I liked the atmosphere in the beginning, reminded me of Uncut Gems.

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Great period piece, great setting and soundtrack. Only kind of a bit aimless though.

It seems to me like Paul Thomas Anderson was more concerned to make a movie about a favorite topic than to tell a story. There are no arcs, characters face consequences for their actions somewhat arbitrarily and the ending is a somewhat an undeserved happy ending.

Great cast, even though Mark Whalberg has awful screen presence and is about as charismatic as a rubber boot.

A good watch, but nothing exactly groundbreaking

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As a fan of intense storytelling and unforgettable performances, I highly recommend "Boogie Nights." This film brilliantly explores the rise and fall of the adult film industry in the '70s and '80s, showcasing the talent of Mark Wahlberg remarkably.

Mark Wahlberg's portrayal of Dirk Diggler is nothing short of mesmerizing. Not only does he deliver a compelling performance, but his shirtless scenes featuring his ripped physique are genuinely captivating. You won't be able to take your eyes off him!

One memorable scene involves Mark's character offering to show what he's working with for money, and I must admit, I'd pay even double if he asked.

This movie is a must-watch for its gripping storyline and impressive performances.

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Shout by Faster, Film Critic!
BlockedParent2023-05-14T15:34:48Z— updated 2023-06-20T05:09:44Z

Boogie Nights is immoral, trashy, and sinful; but the film isn't all perfect. At its core, it's a typical rise-to-fame story but told like only P.T. Anderson can. The pacing is a little slow but it is supported by an A-list cast and great characters.

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Boogie Nights is an excellent movie with an original plot and all-star cast. The movie tackles complex themes like fame, addiction, and the search for belonging, all while maintaining a darkly comedic tone. The cast is phenomenal, featuring standout performances from Mark Wahlberg, Burt Reynolds, Julianne Moore, and many others. The cinematography and soundtrack are also top-notch, capturing the vibe of the era perfectly.

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Probably my favorite movie ever.

After this movie, I really expected to love every movie PT Anderson would ever make, that never materialized as the rest of his movies never really touched me (no pun intended) as much as this one.

Anyway, Boogie Nights has a great story, even greater characters (played by a perfect cast) and can be really funny and so sad.

The beautiful opening shot is absolutely perfect to suck you into the movie and get you to meet all the main characters.

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I agree to a certain extent with those who dubbed “Boogie Nights” as “Goodfellas” with the Golden Age of Porn instead of the mob. Yet, the tone and message are completely different. It might not be as evident on a first viewing, but “Boogie Nights” is, above anything else, a warm and tender movie about broken people seeking a family. The time capsule effect is fascinating at first but grows thin in a little over an hour. Even though I have to say it’s not nearly as slow-paced as I remembered, things indeed get a little too repetitive and a tad boring in the middle chunk. In contrast, the resolution felt a little rushed and, for some characters, only sketched out.

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Was this directed by PTA or Scorsese? Those long, sweeping tracking shots, the dadrock montages, the themes about excess and the dark side of excess; most of this is a dead ringer for a Scorsese film. At first I thought some of the stuff relating to the side characters felt a little too disconnected from the main plot, but at some point you realize it all feeds the main theme of the film. Love the soundtrack, the acting is very good (probably still Mark Wahlberg’s best), so many memorable scenes, characters and lines (love some of its dark comedy) and excellent cinematography/directing. If you ask me, he was quite far ahead of Tarantino as a director at this point in his career. I do have some minor problems with the editing and tone, which can be a little sloppy at times. It’s also a little predictable, it doesn’t throw that many surprising curveballs at you. Given what PTA would go on to do, this is fairly straightforward and not nearly as complex as some of hit later work, but I still thought it was great regardless.


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I actually loved this? John C Reilly and his magic, when Burt Reynolds in a physical fight just pushes him directly on the forehead, the ‘dear sister’ level gun fight ridiculousness

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Shout by mg_grey

That was fun. I forget that they make movies like this in the 90s. I keep on watching movies without reading the synopsis and just get surprised by the nudity. lol! The plot was meh. I mean.. spoiler this is the whole plot. Rising porn star, got addicted, got clean(?) and then just went back on making porn. while the others found what they really want to do in life. I guess that's the happy ending?

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What is the point in this film... I just don't get it.

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Not as good as I remembered it but worth a watch. Not laugh out loud funny and not really a deep drama, but it's a humorous look on a time and business, with many characters on a basic journeys and with a balanced story. The movie is long enough so you stay with the characters and bond with them. There is a massive use of music. I think the performances of all the actors make this better than average.

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Boogie Nights was fantastic. Beginning with an incredibly virtuosic opening oner, the interweaving storylines that follow are all interesting and well-told. It has a great ensemble cast to flesh out the engaging characters, with particularly good performances by Wahlberg and PSH, while an amazing soundtrack adds to the atmosphere of the 70s and 80s. It's incredible PTA managed to pull off a movie with such sweep with just his second feature.

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