Personal Lists featuring...

Boys on the Side 1995


Films about/for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer


Problematic tropes are not excluded from the list because society has not made it that far yet. If I removed them, there wouldn't be much on here. Hopefully in time

La vie en rose. (French film about edif piaf - arthritis)
brain on fire
5 feet apart (cf)
The Big Sick
love and other drugs (Parkinson's)
Fundementals of caring (muscular dystrophy)
me before you
everything everything (scids)
midnight sun (xp)
caught by wave (muscular dystrophy)
out of my league (Mucoviscidosis/CF)
still out of my league (Mucoviscidosis/CF)
Forever out of my league (Mucoviscidosis/CF)
Cake (chronic pain bad representation)

White as milk red as blood (leukemia)
50/50 (cancer)
I miss you already (cancer)
Earl and the dying girl (cancer)
Keith (cancer)
a walk to remember (cancer)
now is good (cancer)
my sister’s keeper (cancer)
the bucket list (cancer)
changing hearts (cancer, depression)
the fault in our stars (cancer)
a little bit of heaven (cancer)
here on earth (cancer)
then came you (cancer)

Kelly and cal (wheelchair user)
soul surfer (loses arm)

still alice (dementia)
please stand by (autism)

adam (aspergers)

if I stay
barefoot /the wedding guest (anxiety)
benny and joon
girl interrupted

a long way down (depression)

The Theory of Everything
A Beautiful Mind
all I see is you
Sweet November
The Vow
All the Bright Places
The Elephant Man


Using IMDb advanced search, filtering only by English language.

Notable entries missing include:
Holy Man (1998)
Alaska (1996)
Army of Darkness (1992)
Balto (1995)
The Astronauts Wife (1999)
Immortal Beloved (1994)
Chaplin (1992)
Hackers (1995)
BASEketball (1998)


From the earliest days of American cinema, the road movie has been synonymous with American culture and the image America has presented both to itself and the world. But the road movie is not uniquely American, and other national cinemas have offered their own take, adapting it to reflect their own sensibilities and geographies. Whatever its nationality, the road movie has presented a means by which to challenge and confront convention, remaining an ever-changing, fascinating metaphor for life.

Beginning with an expansive essay tracing its historical development, "100 Road Movies" provides a comprehensive guide to the development of what is perhaps one of the most enduring, popular, and reflexive of sub-genres.


List of long and short movies with lesbian and bisexual women.


A complete filmography for Matthew McConaughey. 1969 - (Updated April 16')


Movies with women loving women as protagonist

Not a comprehensive list, just the ones i've watched and (sometimes*) enjoyed

*Let's face it, some of these are just plain awful


Road movies of all times, countries and quality)


Shows and movies released between 1990 and 1999.


Here’s the link to their article…
