Personal Lists featuring...

Breaking Surface 2020


Radarr Watchlist

by Dizzy D2K


Películas Drama

by Mafer pv


The 2020 NIFFF selection consists of 20 features that best represent the global state of fantastic films, and which have never been shown in Switzerland. Designed to maintain the diversity of cinematic offerings in these uncertain times for the industry, this programme includes 17 new films and 3 movies that are part of our traveling Fantastique 20 20 20 retrospective. All films will be shown in their original version, with French and German subtitles. Only people connecting from Switzerland will be able to stream them. Although it is impossible to organise a traditional, physical edition this year, the NIFFF feels it is important to offer its audience an overview of the cinematic dreams and nightmares of the present day.


Movies shown at the Fantasy Filmfest 2020 in Stuttgart


Horror movies that focus in or around water.
