Personal Lists featuring...

Bright Star 2009



Hollywood Reporter critics pick the 50 best films of the 21st century (so far), from 2000 up until and including 2021

List compiled from:

Ranked as in the list (honorable mentions start at #51 and are listed in alphabetical order)

1: Yi Yi
2: Inside Llewyn Davis
3: The Gleaners and I
4: Zodiac
5: Mulholland Drive
6: Spirited Away
7: Brokeback Mountain
8: In the Mood for Love
9: 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
10: Get Out
11: Boyhood
12: Moonlight
13: Burning
14: Wall-E
15: The Power of the Dog
16: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
17: Talk to Her
18: Shoplifters
19: Drive My Car
20: Far From Heaven
21: Parasite
22: Before Sunset
23: 35 Shots of Rum
24: Timbuktu
25: Call Me by Your Name
26: Y Tu Mamá También
27: At Berkeley
28: A Serious Man
29: The Death of Mr. Lazarescu
30: Marie Antoinette
31: Manchester by the Sea
32: The Return
33: Portrait of a Lady on Fire
34: The Social Network
35: The Favourite
36: Lovers Rock
37: Wendy and Lucy
38: Children of Men
39: I Am Not Your Negro
40: Summer of Soul
41: Pan’s Labyrinth
42: Never Rarely Sometimes Always
43: Grizzly Man
44: Things to Come
45: Bridesmaids
46: Pariah
47: Bright Star
48: Time
49: Black Panther
50: Weekend


Honorable mentions (listed alphabetically)
51: Caché
52: The Dark Knight
53: L’Enfant
54: Holy Motors
55: The Hurt Locker
56: Margaret
57: Marriage Story
58: The Piano Teacher
59: The Royal Tenenbaums
60: Summer Hours
61: There Will Be Blood
62: Under the Sand
63: Under the Skin
64: Vera Drake
65: Waltz With Bashir


THR Critics pick their top movies of the 21st century (so far) subjectively...


Essential melancholy for people who'd love to bedew in sadness, full of contemplation as we then witness these characters at their crossroads. Moody, brutal and brooding but not entirely devoid of wonder.


Years 1931-2018 come from:
The New York Times: Book of Movies
the essential 1,000 films to see
2019 ed

Years after 2018 come from NYT website.

work in progress
There are discrepancies between the website and the book, particular for years after 2003. Please leave a comment for any errors you find.


Type=Movies, Short Films, TV Movies, Documentaries, Videos
2007<=Release Year<=2012
IMDB Rating>=6.0
IMDB Votes>=25000



Abbie Cornish Movies and TV shows


18th & 19th centuries; set in the years 1701 - 1900
Notable periods:
Plantation era (c. 1700–c. 1860)
Georgian 1714-1837
American Revolutionary War 1775 – 1783
Regency 1811–1820
Victorian 1837-1900
Gilded Age 1870 to 1900


Based on real-life events
