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Bulletproof 2 2020

This is one stupid movie

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This is a Horrible Movie and a insult to the original classic movie this is nothing more than a weak cash grab attempt at a sequel in name only . They were so lazy they couldn't even find actors that kind of resembled the original actors let alone tried to get the original actors back like many sequels have done recently. This is Very bad not funny at all Dont waste your time on this if you like the first you probably won't like this . The two replacement Actors have no carisma like sandler and waynes had in the first.

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Perhaps if it came out in the mid 80s it would've been passable. I mean still utter shit but at least the insipid banter would be somewhat topical. I wouldn't be lamenting the sad downward trajectory of the great Tony Todd. And most importantly I wouldn't be actively fondly remembering a mediocre Sandler film from the mid 90s

Alas no this piece of cinematic bile was released in 2020. Not only does it pale in comparison to the first film in every way shape and form. But it's the worst thing I saw this year (and that includes a short I;ve seen that only consists of some dude opening a dresser drawer) let that sink in.

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I don't know... I think there were a lot of funny parts in this movie. I kind of like it. This may be comparable to a modern day B-movie. Having said that, B-movies are an acquired taste.

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