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Burn 2019

By the way. I don't agree with the critic. The movie starts with a scene near the end and then jumps back to how it all started. Works for me.

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I just got done watching this movie it was really good I love it

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Very intriguing movie. Tilda is fantastic as the lonely, bland Melinda.
Strange girl who is a nobody until things start heating up with a robbery that goes wrong. She now has control and her mind races wildly. Good movie. Worth a watch.

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Shout by Raphaël Donier
BlockedParent2019-08-26T17:58:31Z— updated 2019-11-16T02:07:51Z

very good story a perfect comedy & a original horror movie .
very well played & very good tempo ... Don't get bore
It change my rating from 8 to 10. very fresh movie , Good comedy , horror genre

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It’s a good suspense film. It makes one feel for Melinda and then…bam! The viewer is wondering who’s the protagonist! Tilda made her character so realistic. I’m curious what gave Tilda inspiration for how to play Melinda?

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i like it although it culdve been extended for like 10 minutes at the end and i didnt notice till now that billy (josh hutchers) was IN THE FRICKING MOVIE LOOOL the whistling meme dude

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director's first feature film if you're wondering what the fuck is going on in this. i will admit that tilda killed it, it made me uncomfortable and disgusted watching throughout it. great actors for a not-so-great screenplay? reading things about Burn, the reaction towards melinda was kinda BS and how people defended her. she is a villain, she sexually harasses and assaults men, it would be totally different if it was a man but maybe the director did good for making her so pathetic that it makes you feel bad in her situation.

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Really interesting concept, could be better execution wise.

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Melinda is weird, but it plays out well - enjoyed it

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A surprising little thriller, with a compelling central performance from Tilda. Veers off course a little towards the end, but this is probably a better film than you were expecting.

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OK little trashy movie. Tilda makes this movie worth watching.

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