Shout by Fdcba
BlockedParent2019-03-08T00:34:49Z— updated 2022-07-29T23:11:03Z

Watch this movie as the satire that it is, that way it's a great movie to watch feeling mellow with no desire to watch Yet Another Gay Drama:tm:.

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It's hilarious, it has an important message and it looks beautiful. The only reason it's rated in the 6s is homophobia. There's no other explanation.

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It was a comedic movie that incorporates satire very well. It may have been a lower-budget film, but it was a good effort that is very light-hearted for anyone.

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The first 15 or so minutes are pure gold, but after that it goes downhill fast.

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Definitely one of my favorite queer movies ever.

Lesbian Rights! Hello lesbians!

Also RuPaul pretending to be an ex-gay. Far too much!

Such a fun watch. Loved the acting performances. And just all around good.

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A satire about something that’s not funny at all - conversion therapy. Overtly, it’s a comedy with a coming of age romance. Not so covertly, it’s doing what Queer culture has successfully been able to do in the last half century, face down hateful things by mocking them and owning them. I’d say it’s the queer version of conversion therapy. Ru Paul exemplifies this in this movie. Great cast of young actors who have since come into their own. I watched this after hearing it referred to by several new friends as a cult classic. I give this film a 7 (insightful comedy) out of 10. [Comedy Romance] Available for rent or sale on streaming platforms.

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Like holding hands in middle school, this is sweet, cute, and entirely refreshing.

While this romantic comedy about conversion therapy goes too easy on some of the issues it confronts, watching it with my (gay) daughter was a great way to spend an evening.

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I have long been a fan of using mockery to demonstrate how bad an idea is and to that end this movie does a decent job. The movie relies heavily on Lyonne's likeability. The main problem with the movie is that - while the message is extremely important - the movie isn't a great watch. Poor Cathy Moriarity had absolutely nothing to work. Many of the scenes were really cartoonish. On the bright side, there are numerous future stars playing secondary characters in this movie.

follow me at https://IAHATEBadMovies.com or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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everyone say thank you youtube 


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Shout by Deleted

Although it is made in 1999 the movie seems old, perhaps a side effect of low budget? It is a great satire, once you see it as such, and very fun. Sure it's a lil predictable, but it's a movie made for rainy days and laughing.

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It might be because it was my first sapphic movie, but it’s still my favorite sapphic movie.

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