Shouts about...

Amsterdam 2022

A beautiful trainwreck. (5 words)

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What the hell did I wasted my time on?

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Given the talent involved, this is terrible and so self-indulgent. One of the most boring films I've seen in some time. John David Washington is not a leading man, and this just adds to his poor resume.

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It’s incredible how many great actors you can shoehorn into your movie and get the worst performance out of everyone; Christian Bale, on the other hand, is the only good one here.

John David Washington is so one-note here, as he has the same tone of voice and facial expression throughout. You can tell Robert De Niro is phoning it in regarding his line delivery and lack of interest.

The whole movie feels like an overdose of “acting pills”. It’s a plotting movie that thinks it’s clever and funny but ends up being confusing and boring.

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A movie with a cast this good has no business being so boring and meh.

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Christian Bale must have awful pain in his back... from carrying the entire cast of this movie in his back. His and arguably De Niro's actings are what little we can salvage from this one.

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I really enjoyed the movie, the acting was great, camera work was good, and overall it was good. I do understand people saying it doesn't have any suspension, but I do like it that way, a story telling easy movie to watch. Casting was amazing with a lot of guest stars, which I liked so much.

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It's delightfully charming, but without any real punch. The characters are great. The actors are on point. The scenario is interesting. But the writing is all over the walls and there's never any wow or real suspense. It's a noir movie without the mystery or who done it. Complete failure on the narrative part.

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This probably the worst disappointment I ever experienced. On the other hand, it is quite impressive to make such a boring movie with this cast

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Like a vest in a 3-piece suit, sure it's not trendy right now but that doesn't mean it can't be cool.

David O Russell delivers a film in a classic Hollywood vein, where a mad doctor and a black lawyer in 1930s New York stumble on a plot to overthrow the US government.

Like a cross between The Hudsucker Proxy and Nightmare Alley, the strong cast (there's only one actor I have difficulty with), true-ish story and flawless directing make for a solid theatrical outing.

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Finest demonstration of how having the best cast is useless if you don't have a compelling story to tell and most of all you don't know how to tell it.

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Looked so good until I watched it... and it sucked.

2 1/2 hours long and I switched it off after 1 1/2 hours cause it was just talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk. It a movie!!! You don't have to describe everything like its a book... show us!!!!

It's not even interesting dialogue - it' s just words spewed from the actors.. endlessly. Each scene must have been 1,000 pages long..

Oh, and nothing much happened... because the dialogue got in the way.

Skip this crap.


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How did they manage to trick the cast into doing this boring ass movie? Did something happen in post production? It's dreadful.

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[Disney+] Perhaps with less expectations this film is not so negligible, but it is true that this David O. Russell in Wes Anderson mode doesn't seem to be the most appropriate remedy against boredom. With a cast of actors, Hollywood stars and some impostors, the film relies too much on the solidity of its performers, and it seems that neither the script nor the direction itself have much interest in providing a balance in a story that is it develops in spite of the characters, instead of in favor of them.

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Well that was meh. Acting was fine, scripting was fine, but there was no real feel or punch to the movie. Feels a bit long in parts. And the narrating. Just shut up already man. You’re not adding anything of value, let the movie move on to the next scene/act already.

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amsterdam is a terribly guilty please.

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David O. Russell is one of those directors that likes to spin a lot of plates, so when he fails he does so quite spectacularly. He’s trying to recapture that same magic from American Hustle here, but the string breaks quickly because he’s just unable to drum up any interesting material. The narrative isn’t compelling, emotionally it doesn’t do much (it’s not very funny or moving), it’s too heavy on exposition and the characters are only mildly interesting. Still, I like what this eventually gets to on a deeper level about the relationship between corporatism and fascism, you can’t accuse it of playing it safe. Christian Bale does a great job, but the other performances aren’t that strong. For example, you can hear Margot Robbie’s accent slip through, the Taylor Swift stunt casting was a bad idea and even John David Washington’s acting is very one note. I appreciate that there’s a lot of production value on the screen, but it probably would’ve looked a lot better if Emmanuel Lubezki hadn’t dropped a teabag in the film processing chemicals.


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Best part of this movie was Taylor swift getting run over other wise it’s a 2 hours of hit and miss moments

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But this movie can be summarized with a single word: boring.

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I liked this movie - it doesn't quite fit the same mold as other movies. The writing, acting, cinematography and production values are well done. Whats interesting is that this movie is based on a political conspiracy from the 1930's

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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They butchered a historical event that could’ve made a good movie.

The slate has a good article on the event this movie is based

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Good cast, good setting, but a script that does not know which movie is being told, it cannot be several genres at the same time, a disappointment.

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The entire movie I kept thinking the actor who plays Harold must be a nepo baby or something. I was right. My god! I can't remember the last time I've seen acting this bad. It's almost impressive how terrible he is. Like it did make probably a lasting impression. That's more than what most actors could do.

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The people who say this movie was boring are probably Michael Bay fans.

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  • A surprisingly delightful movie
  • Came in with low expectations
  • Stylised, all star cast with tight story
  • Always intrigued with an espionage story, especially a wartime one
  • Christian Bale steals the show, but the other supporting actors were impressive too
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A thrilling story about friendship, bravery and love. 

And what a fantastic case, and amazing costumes.

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Shout by Travis Goldman
BlockedParent2023-09-19T00:33:13Z— updated 2023-09-20T06:26:19Z

The first half is tedious and unengaging, but the second half actually gets interesting. If they could cut the first half in half, Amsterdam would be much improved.
Great performance by Christian Bale.

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Compelling story with an engaging cast.

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Bale was f tasti in his performance. Very funny and amusing movie when he was involved. When he isn't in a scene it drags. The two other leads don't hold the same charisma which is a shame because Margot Robbie can be great. The movie fails to make me fall in love with Amsterdam the way the characters do. It more just looks like a drunken weekend which they fondly remember.

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Not as good or clever as it thinks it is but certainly watchable, with an excellent performance from Margot Robbie and if nothing else it shines a light on an under-appreciated bit of real history (though of course those interested should do their research elsewhere!)

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It's not amazing, but not as bad as people say. I quite enjoyed my time with it though I can see how people could be disappointed looking at how much star power this has

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For a cast that is this good, I expect more. It is not that it was necessarily bad, it simply should be more enjoyable. It was too long with long periods of dull plot points. Bale/Robbie/Washington/De Niro/Taylor-Joy/Malek are all quite literally my favorites (except De Niro - who is still good, just not my go to), and I genuinely don't really care to check this one out again. Will a certain group of people like this? Probably. I am just more surprised I am not in that bunch.

Rating: 2/5 - 6.5/10 - Not Recommended to Everyone

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It was incredibly refreshing to see disabilities, permanent injuries, and chronic pain so front and centre (and respectfully portrayed, at that) in a movie that didn't even revolve around those topics. I also loved the friendship between the three main characters; their dynamic was so vivid, fascinating, and funny to watch, it really brought the story and the individual characters to life. Additionally, while I feel one important social issue was just brushed aside as a brief, vague example of wrongdoing (very mild spoiler eugenics and forced sterilization end mild spoiler), it was at least good handling of the topics of veterans' rights, racism, and accessible health care.

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very enjoyable movie. i heard the reviews of it being mediocre despite having an amazing cast.
not every movie needs to be a master piece and like many movies from David Russel (joy and silving linings) it's more about enjoying life and trying to find your place in the world. Like the tea set some may find it grotesc or an abomination, but it is art and very beautiful to some. All actores give good performances all around, fun to see known faces.
the scenarios are very well put together and it camera works invites you to look deeper into the movie. With the various commentaries of birds watching and being an astute watcher.
My overall score is 7/10, it is a fun movie with a little bit of history.

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Not really a bad film, but with the massive talent both in front of AND behind the camera, the most profoundly disappointing one of 2022

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Christian Bale's acting and Margot's charm were the only good thing. Poor acting by Taylor Swift, Pushed Interracial relationship, showed that Blond girl are stupid. All the star still fails to catch the audience attention.

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With such a renowned and talented cast, this film to me ended up to be an unexpected disappointment.

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What made me complete this movie is the number of popular faces it cast...nevertheless, I skipped through most of it. I was not entertained at all. Money not wisely spent.

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I went into this movie knowing that it got pretty bad reviews. I am here to say that they are justified. The movie could not decide if it wanted to be a comedy, drama, mystery, thriller, farce, etc. It tried to be a little of all of these things and came up short in every category. It is weird to say that because the film has so much going for it - the leads in the movie are amazing and the sets look fantastic. I am not an expert in this area but it seems like the script could have used another re-write or two as the story was over-stuffed and hard to follow. On paper it seems as though this could have been a classic.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Shout by 020202

the way Christian Bale is able to completely give himself to a role and Embody a character is so mesmerizing, this man KNOWS his craft so well

& i'm always amazed by how they create these incredibly realistic looks of the 19th century, from streets, cars and costumes;

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I don't know what David O Russell think he did but it was not it. It was honestly boring, the plot and the dialogues are confusing. You never really know what is going on (in a bad way), nothing makes sense and the only good actors were De Niro and Christian Bale. Poor acting directions and direction overall, although the set looked quite good. I did hope for much more than what I got watching this movie, almost got out but I wanted to see how far it would get. 4/10 for the set and some of the cinematography.

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Shout by Dr.KC#BLM
BlockedParent2022-11-27T04:14:29Z— updated 2022-12-20T01:43:17Z

I could watch a Margaret Robbie makeup tutorial, but not this. The interracial scenes are great to have but feel forced, this is awkward as she's so very convincing a lunatics obsessed lover. It feels like Robbie's agent pushed her to "get woke" and she phoned it in. Gross.

Complete waste. 1/10

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I thoroughly enjoyed watching this, not a super powered wham bam but a classic noire drama where you have to pay attention. Loosely based on a real incident (Major General Smedley Butler) but given a full Hollywood treatment. Christian Bale was great I haven't seen enough of him lately. Emmanuel Lubezki's cinematography was superb, hope he takes home a fourth Oscar for this one.

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World Economic Forum (WEF) = Committee of the Five

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