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I don't think people know what spoilers are. #ShiftvW8

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Great movie, it really hit all the points it should have and marvel finally produced a villain with a plan and reasons behind it. Great work!

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I think it was Marvel's best film so far, fantastic action sequence, nice comic relief. Spider-man stole the appearances for me

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Best part of the entire movie? Spiderman. You'll really love him once he appears on your screen.

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It's not another epic movie with lots of fighting, shooting and spectacular explosions. Well, of course, there are pretty much of them, but I was captured by the main ethical issue of the film. On Twitter people are asking to choose the side, it's not that easy tho.
I would give 9/10
I hope next Avengers will be more impressive

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O Filme é uma obra de arte

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I liked the movie. The build up was slow, but later the film began more and more to get in. I was definitely for Team Captain and at the ending I was still for him. When I'm a superhero, I do not want a government that determines what I can do when.
Anyway, i really liked Spider-man, his jokes, awesome. A really good movie, not perfect.

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Totally lost my mind when I saw Spider-Man. I was like geeking out, my wife sat there face palming in the cinema through out the entire experience. Totally worth price of admission. sure it had its faults, but awesome non the less!

I give it a 9/10

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Possibly the best Marvel yet. The fallout between the superheroes becomes more intense as it goes on. Ant Man has the hugest scene. Spiderman is perfectly portrayed by Tom Holland. Black Panther brings heart and soul to the movie, especially towards the end. Nearly a triumph.

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The film is pretty serious itself; like Dawn of the Justice. Except Civil War is funner and better made. Definitely gives fans a bigger nerdgasm as well lol.

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The best one from #MCU yet! A near-perfect superhero cinematic masterpiece.

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One of the best Marvel with the best Spiderman 2 post credits scenes. Quite a few people in the cinema. I put myself on the side of Captain.Black Panther fine too

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Empieza la 3ra fase de Marvel, y pinta muy bien lo que se viene. Nos tienen ya acostumbrados a que Tony y Rogers sean las estrellas anteriormente, y en esta que era su película, se quedaron atascados. Lo mejor sin duda fue Spidey, se robó el show en el poco tiempo que se le dedica. Lo de Holland es sencillamente la mejor versión hecha hasta ahora. En el segundo escalón vienen BlackPanter y Ant-Man, muy buena integración y evolución de los personajes. Muy buen equilibrio entre la oscuridad y la luz que siempre tiende a mostrar Marvel. Ojo con las dos escenas al final de creditos.

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The only let down was Stan Lee's cameo Mrs Stank was not impressed

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Shout by enerqy

Just watched. Good movie, but it got bogged down by all the elements it had to juggle successfully. Spidey was REALLY good.

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Bloody loved it. Only one beef is.....

/ spoiler /
They killed Rumelow off too quickly and easily

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Two protagonist hurting each other until they bleed to death will really break your heart.

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Am I the only one that's not happy with Spider-Man being in it?

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