Personal Lists featuring...

Captain Blood 1935


Academy award winners and nominees best film all catagories,


*The critic's rating
Got info from Wikipedia


Includes all the films of the 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die Book, including films culled to make way for newer releases, up to the 2021 edition.


Guide for the Film Fanatic A-E
Danny Perry


A non-exhaustive lists of media for being in a pirate-y mood.

Tags: #wip #theme #random_order #incomplete


A bunch of films with White people in them, and can involve White culture. They have to show them in a positive light, that's really it. This is built off Yggdrasil's pro-White list and many others from forums/greentext boards. These are what I'd consider great films, most of which teach good morals, that feature predominantly White casts. Given the extreme anti-White rhetoric plaguing American mainstream right now, it's nice to have a reliable list of watchable films. This list encompasses all genres, that's why it's a mess.

If you have a problem with this list existing, move on. There are plenty of racial pride lists for other ethnicities on Letterboxd, including black nationalism. This is just to catalog the best of cinema featuring Europeans.


The Dirty Thirties: Home to dust bowl farmers, reedy-voiced folk singers and rail-riding hobos. Life pretty much sucks unless you're lucky enough to be a rich socialite, in which case you can expect to be involved in a wacky screwball comedy


Last Updated: 2012-11-28
These Greatest Movies of the 1930s chosen for their quality direction, script, cinematography, acting, storyline, originality, and success.


This is a list of all movies discussed by the Rusty Reels podcast.


This list contains all movies that have been nominated for Best Picture in the Academy Awards.

