Shouts about...

Catfight 2016

Catfight: If post election Twitter was a movie but with fewer jokes.

The problem with Catfight is it takes on too much without taking sides. In this extended metaphor for rich v poor, upper-class v lower-class, democrat v republican the message is that we're all the same, which is more than a little naïve and simply not true.

The film throws some weak punches at talk shows and political correctness, but they're so heavy handed that they don't really land. They say everyone loves to watch a girl-fight, but Catfight just may be the exception that proves the rule.

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This has got to be one of the worst movies that I've ever seen in my life. Absolutely horrible!

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Funny and cringy in the best of ways. At times quite derivative, but it somehow always felt absolutely intentional. So many things about this movie felt intentional; like how the clock in Charlie's cabin had stopped at 9.11, to name one obvious example.

I don't want to go into a whole thing about "catfights" other than that the fight scenes felt a bit slapsticky. That's like the one thing about this movie I wished they made "real".

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Started off so well but just seemed to peter out

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Jet black comedy is visceral and fun. Much better than I expected.

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It was actually good, I don’t know why it got such a low rating. Acting was great. And the story line made to a point. Just what bothered me was the exccesive fist fight. I think it’s a chill movie to watch.

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