Shouts about...

Chaos Theory 2008

how about we spend a week writing things on cards ;)

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At its heart, there is a fairly compelling story here. I like the idea of a man falling down and questioning his life and who he is. I just don't know that the delivery of the premise was very good. Reynolds and Mortimer are always good but I think that this movie had a low ceiling because of the script.

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Not what you expect. Highly enjoyable movie!

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Shout by Deleted

Although it's a little soppy at times and doesn't make justice to the Chaos Theory -which is also the name of the movie- it becomes very enjoyable because of the other interesting elements that surround the story. A story that was essentially about decisions and randomness but at the end it had already missed the point.

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Hardly the light romp Netflix led me to expect, but enjoyable never the less.

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