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Charlie Bartlett 2008

I’ve watched this like 5 times now, I don’t know why I love it so much, I just do

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Great lesser known comedy. It's very funny, the story is unique and interesting throughout, the acting is really good, the characters are all genuinely likeable, and the meanings under the surface are relevant and carried out fairly well. One of my favorite comedies.

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Very disappointed. This had great potential. The trailer was much better.

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This had potential to be much better than it was. On the one hand, Yelchin was a great actor (RIP) but on the other hand, this movie proved to be a rather successful waste of time with random 'look I did a thing!' moments at every turn. I get it, you want to make other people's lives better, you don't have to try to shove it down the viewers throat every 5 minutes.

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Came across this movie because of Robert Downey Jr. But it's truly very special while being very simple and hits all the right emotional moments without being overbearing.

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