Shouts about...

Child 44 2015

I couldn't watch more than 15 minutes. It's a waster of a really good cast.

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The most underrated movie of this decade. It isn't prefect, has its holes in the plot, but nonetheless a masterful depiction of the soviet society.

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Child 44 is a mockery of true events drowned in a mediocre love story. If you want the true story about Andrei Chikatilo, you should leave this alone and try Citizen X instead, a 1995 movie with Stephen Rea and Donald Sutherland.

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for over 2 hour, the movie still couldn't figure out what it's trying to be.

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Unfortunately this felt really rushed. It would have made a great limited or mini-series. There was just too much ground to cover from the excellent book.

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Not a bad drama, not a thriller. Rivet counters who do not tolerate other people’s opinions, let them remember what the USA looks like in our cinema? From the Stalin era, everything is now a narrowly defined canon, keep your hands off and close your mouths! It’s only been 8 years since the film was released from distribution, but the path has been traveled such that there is a way back?

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The movie is not very good. Actually, it's pretty disappointing. It had such a big name cast to it but even they didn't do anything special in this movie. I'm going to forget about this movie and so will you at the end of year. I'm not going to waste my time or your time taking about this movie, as do you really care about me going into detail about a film that's not good. Nobody cares.

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You'd think this was the worst movie ever made if you believe the critics. They liked Tom Hardy and Noomi Rapace but hated every single other thing about the film. 25% on Rotten Tomatoes. Well I'll admit the film has its flaws, but hell I've seen waaaay worse movies. In terms of 2015 films, I'd certainly rate it higher than, for example, Jurassic World or Minions. The bad: As others have noted, the film become a bit muddled in the second half, and the romance/change of heart is never really justified, and it does go through the mechanics of a standard thriller to some extent. However, none of these are crippling flaws in my opinion. The good: Tom freaking Hardy. You could legitimately argue the man is the best actor on the planet right now. He is great in this. The rest of the cast is good too, especially Rapace. The gritty, grimy atmosphere of Soviet Russia is well evoked with vivid cinematography, and the music score is very good. The film held my attention and I was invested and am glad I ignored the reviews and watched it.

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Shout by Deleted

Definitely one of the good movies I have had the opportunity to enjoy. I love the story behind it and the politics although it was severely dramatized also I love how they didn't ruin the real true story of Andrea Chikatilo

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The procedural aspects of the film and the investigation into a number of murders are pretty standard fare, but the setting of the film and a great central performance from Tom Hardy as well as a great cast of supporting characters make it worth watching. Espinosa creates an atmosphere of paranoia and fear throughout the film and it is this aspect together with the development of Hardy's character and the depiction of Russia in the 1950s that are the strongest elements. Despite the horrible nature of the crimes being investigated however, the story eventually devolves into pretty standard thriller territory, with a resolution that feels rushed and undeveloped and an epilogue that wraps things up a little too tidily. It is a shame this storyline is constantly competing for time with the more interesting elements involving Hardy's relationships with the other characters, the result being that neither fully satisfy.

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Shout by Simon

Not what I was expecting, the pace in parts was a little slow and the events hard to follow; ultimately I enjoyed the movie but I'm mystified as to why they felt they had to inject a Homosexuality subtext; that seemed to have no real reason for being included, other than showing law enforcement stopped at nothing to kill a few innocents.

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The movie itself is good enough and it's worth watching but having read the novel made me feel that it could be much more else given the events depicted in the novel and its great narrative of the soviet-era Russia. The characters are decent but while the novel develops them in great lenght, the movie only touches some interesting aspects and left many others out. This makes the viewer feel that there are "acts" in the movie and one needs to fill in the missing parts somehow.

I recommend the movie for fans of the genre but don't pass on the novel. It's really good.

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I liked it, but communist or capitalist, trying to hide what you do not like it, either way. Well by Tom Hardy and Naomi. action scenes, confusing

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Hollywood: Hey, let us make a story that has NOTHING to do with America BUT let's hire American actors that will speak in English throughout the movie no matter the place BUT! throw in a fake accent!
Producers: I love it!

It's one thing for an English-speaking Australian to fake an American accent, but a non-English accent for English is always an annoying caricature. I can’t stand watching films set in foreign countries with English speaking actors with fake accents and not speaking the real language of the country. I know US audiences are wary of subtitles but come on.

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