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Click 2006

Lulls you in as a typical silly Sandler flick (complete with potty humour) but then does a sneaky on you half way through and goes for the sentimental overload that hits you right in the feels. I keep thinking I'll get through it without crying but I never do.

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I saw this when I was very young, I still can't get through it with out crying, it start funny and all but when you don't expect it, it hits you up right in the feels. :sob: It's a roller coaster of emotions for me idk maybe I'm weird.
this is one of best work of Adam Sandler.
I like to watch this movie time to time just to remind me to appreciate my life, my time and think more about my actions. you may find it funny but this movie taught me great lessons.

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Click is yet another stereotypical Adam Sandler film that’s full of his juvenile hijinks. Overwhelmed by his job and family, Michael Newman is given a universal remote by a mysterious salesman that allows him to control his life, but it soon starts to control him. It kind of has A Christmas Carol motif with Michael visiting the past and future, and seeking to make appends for his failures. Featuring Kate Beckinsale, Christopher Walken, and David Hasselhoff, the supporting cast is pretty strong; but they’re unable to stop Sandler from wrecking the film with his idiotic antics. And the sad thing is, at its core the film has a touching message about the importance of family and how precious life is. But the crass, immature, and moronic humor of Sandler is constantly undercutting it. Yet Sandler stupidity aside, Click is a fairly entertaining comedy that has some touching moments.

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Starts out so well with an interesting premise, then blows it halfway through. I would've loved if it was Sandler purposely using the remote to gain immense power & wealth, while distancing himself from his family -- ergo, pride goeth before a fall. But instead, we just have him being held hostage by the remote, while making immature or gross jokes throughout. This movie had a lot of potential, to the point of being similar to a Black Mirror episode, but they blew it. I can't imagine what drugs the other commenters were taking, but it must've been good.

Also Morty was annoying.

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One of the better Adam Sandler movies

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - We loved this film

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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First time watching this film, and to be totally honest I found it incredibly eye-opening and moving. I feel like I took plenty away from this, and I think it’s a film I could find myself watching again and again, there is a lot of be learnt from this film to remind us of our actions, and the importance of our life. I do not understand the negative reviews, I absolutely loved it. For me, Adam Sandlers best work and well Kate Beckinsale is absolutely beautiful and is aging like a fine wine.

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Shout by Deleted

This is just literally Joker

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Shout by Deleted

Click is likely one of the best Adam Sandler movies since the new millennium. Its still got very adolescent humor but there is enough heart that it can still be enjoyed. The third act tries a little too hard to draw emotions that it feels a little jarring but the cast are solid and Click makes for a smooth cable or Netflix watch.

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Sandler should use the control to erase most of his movies.

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Shout by Deleted

can't wait to watch it

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