I can't recall the last time I actually watched this movie, so I gave it a go again today and I'm glad I did.
Yes, it's very clearly a 70's movie that hasn't aged well which just means it's a product of it's time.
There was some criminal over-acting from Teri Garr but everyone else was just solid, even the kids.
I don't recall the movie as being as dark as it was but that only made it better for me as it was unexpected.

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I saw this classic for the first time on the big screen in the rerelease. Looked a little bit dated but I'm sure it was mind blowing back in 1977. A lot of suspense near the end that kept me on the edge of my seat. A little too long. Not Spielberg's best but still a very good movie.

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The last 30 minutes are really good and interesting. But getting there is slow and tedious, i almost fell asleep.
plus they never explain why the aliens abducted all those people and why they suddenly decided to let them come back

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I don't consider "good for its time" argument valid, but even with that in mind, this movie is a bad one.

Whoever wrote the script does not understand how math, science and universe in general fundamentally work which results in cringy moments. There are always assumptions in SciFi, but you have to make them consistent with reality or you should have explicitly made it clear that movie universe is purely fictional. I don't recommend watching this film if you graduated equivalent of European high school some time after Enlightenment.

And of course it is super long and boring, with constant multiple shots of the same thing, which are overly long by themselves and often are not needed for the plot.

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Shout by Attila Marics
BlockedParent2017-12-07T13:42:31Z— updated 2020-08-03T19:27:20Z

This movie is so bad in so many ways. Its meaningless, boring, etc. 2 hours time wasting. It is plain and simple shit.

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One to remember.

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I'm sure this was a great movie back in the day, but today? Not so much.

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The French scientist is actually modeled after Jacques Vallee, a known UFO researcher.

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When people say this movie is boring is because when they hear alien encounter, they expect something like Independence Day.

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I remember seeing this when it first came out at a drive-in theater, was great then and still great now.

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Definitely a classic! This is a very long movie, but you can tell that this was definitely way ahead of it’s time.

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Undoubtedly a treasure in its time, and though still a curiosity, it is little more than an outdated snooze fest now.

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Been over 20 years since I first saw it! Still one of my fav UFO movies! Hard to believe this was from 1977…

If you are looking for an action movie, better look somewhere else

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Steven Spielberg is a master story maker, and this is a masterful story beautifully made. With elements of horror, humor and suspense, Close Encounters... is science fiction that transcends so many genres it's transcendant.

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The matter of which version is which is a real conversation piece. As the original theatrical version is VERY rarely seen, one suspects, based on many reviews, that the 1980 re - release is a much better film. But this should not hinder any viewings of this spectacular film.

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It's a good film, but with a slow pace and few events. It leaves some things unexplained. In short, it is a film open to different interpretations, depending on each person's perspective. To appreciate it, it will depend on the individual taste of each viewer.

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Feels more like Spielberg experimenting and pioneering how to make a movie like this than something definitive. It’s not bad, just unrefined and rudimentary. Almost every good idea this has to offer has been copied by better, more interesting films. There are good scenes, visually it’s aged remarkably well, but it’s easy to see why this doesn’t click with general audiences anymore. It’s not as exciting as Independence Day, nor as thought provoking as Arrival. It’s not bad, I don’t deny that it’s an achievement, but I don’t see myself returning to this one very often.


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Musical relationships in the dark with peaceful aliens.

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So we sit through 2 hours of mostly boring scenes linked together with bad transitions and don't even find out why the aliens came in the first place? Why they abducted those people and why they suddenly decided to return them? What in the HELL were they even saying to each other when the people and the aliens were "communicating" through those beep-boops and lights? Why didn't anyone question it? What was so special about that mountain? Why did that guy go off with them in the end and how come they nodded and smiled to him instead of being worried or something? Everything was so random and boring. This is possibly Spielberg's worst film.

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Why are there so many scenes where people are talking through each other? You got main characters in the foreground having dialogues moving the story along and there are people in the background just talking through it about nonsense. I'm trying to like this movie but it's getting really hard to get through. Over 2 hours is way too long for this. Richard Dreyfus is amazing though and I think he's the only reason I'm still watching it about an hour and a half in. But I don't understand its 'classic' status.

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Yeah, sorry I still don't like it. I understand how groundbreaking it was and so it holds a special place in people's hearts, and it's technically proficient, but I feel nothing towards any of these characters and the way the phenomena drags out is just uninteresting to me. Big points for the realism though. The family life and character interactions are soo authentic.

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The movie was great until it turned into an EDM concert. The final "encounter" was dragged out for way too long and a lot of it felt unnecessary and a waste of time. Perhaps this was inspiring back in the 70s, but watching it now it just looks cheesy.

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Film Paco 1: image 3,75 / 5 and sound 4.25 / 5. After many years without seeing it still seems as good

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One of the most beautiful alien encounter films I've watched.

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Cinque note per stabilire il Contatto con gli alieni; un sogno cinefilo incarnato dal prof. François Truffaut.

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