Shouts about...

Come True 2020

Interesting premise on dreams. Movie was alright in general they could’ve done better but I did really like the ending.

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3rd act is bad and undermines the 1st and 2nd

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There is a lot to like about this film but the ending unravels it all. A simple ending cut of 10 seconds would do nicely.

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Saying it’s pretty bad is quite a compliment.

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The film is very methodical about what it shows, and when. Which some people will see as slow. That will turn off some people. The ending, some may not like it because it is not tied up into a perfect bow with a satisfying resolution, which I feel is untrue within the full context of the movie.

The dialogue is space and purposefully placed in the movie. The look, feel, sound of the movie all take part
to build this movie into something great.

I almost wouldn't say it is a horror movie, but it does scratch that same itch regardless of what category you put it into.

I am annoyed that this somehow slipped past me till now. It is very good.

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expectations subverted! instead of 'it was all just a dream' it was all just a coma

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In my top 10 this goes. Loved it the first time I watched it on Shudder but I found the bluray. So instead of 720p (Shudder only goes up to 720p) I finally watched it in full HD. And it's even better. The atmosphere. The lighting. The music. The cinematography. The pacing. The superb acting. This movie is neigh on perfect.

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i almost did not see this movie and oh boy, am i glad that i did. i did not expect sucht a beautiful movie. the soundtrack lets you drift away while you experience something unique and unsettling which scared me more that so much other horror movies. while watching i knew this movie will def give me nightmares. i had immediatly go online and buy the bluray and the soundtrack and i am looking forward to watch it again and again. def something special. well done!

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Steaming hot pile of shit. Interesting 15 mins then completely fucked me - wasting my entire 1hr+ of nothingness. Go watch the YouTube trailer - that's the movie.

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Very interesting. Definitely misclassified as horror...although there are some horrific imagery. The premise is a pretty cool idea, though I feel like the director added a whole bunch of lingering shots and deliberately slow pacing to give more of an art-house vibe. Others have said that they didn't like the ending, and I can see why. This is an instance where 'show-don't-tell' really could have been more effective than the route taken (they literally spell out the ending for you). Ultimately, it does wrap up an otherwise confusing and aimless story.

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Electric Youth - Modern Fears (Pilotpriest Come True Version) -

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Wasn’t sure what to expect but I really enjoyed this. Glad I watched it hours before I fell asleep otherwise I might have had some problems.

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Not even reading spoilers prepared me for how bad the ending was…

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Great first hour, with scenes of creeping dread and nightmarish visions. Sadly, the payoff underwhelms, but it still leaves an unsettling mark on the mind…one that could threaten to haunt your dreams.

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Well, it put me to sleep....

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Some impressive moments and decent acting get buried in a sea of wasted potential. And that ending? Wow. There's not sticking the landing, and then there's not sticking the landing.

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Like friendship, this was pretty good until it veered into romance.

A homeless 18-year-old signs up for a sleep study where all the subjects begin dreaming of the same creature.

It's a good idea, well directed (the nightmare sequences are especially well handled) with a decent cast and the intrigue is preserved throughout the first two thirds of the film, but the script runs and bleeds beneath the puddle of cheap perfume romance they spill all over the story towards the end.

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Not really horror... more like psychological thriller , not sure if actual spoiler or not!

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What did I just watch!?...things made sense right up to Jeremy confession after that...not sure of the reasons why things were happening...

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For the first 2/3 of this film, Come True was setting itself up to be a shoe-in for one of the best of 2021. But then the climax sputtered...and ended on a laughably bad scene that was quite dumb and also very unnecessary. Honestly, if the movie ended at the height of the climax it would have been flawed, but still full of discussion worthy scenes, themes, and topics. Shared dreams, collective memories, the boundaries between dreams and reality, horrifying nightmare images...there's a ton of great stuff here, but it's overshadowed by the ludicrous ending. I still absolutely love portions of this film, but as a whole it is a bit of a miss.

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If I don't expect this film to be a horror movie, it wasn't that bad. Weak for horror, but like a normal film it wasn't bad and the ending of the film we quite liked had the right atmosphere and the resolution of the story wasn't bad at all. It's a pity that the interesting thing came from the film only in the last 30 minutes before the end.

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I'm sorry, but a really really interesting concept, and a very intriguing first half of the film just completely falls apart in the second half. It was similar to John Snow finding out he was Aegon Targaryen, but then meaning absolutely jack shit to the story. Such a great premise that was ruined by an ending that i'd expect in a 7th grade creative writing class.

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not endorsing or suggesting this whatsoever, but should one happen to find themselves under the influence of ketamine or the like, i very highly suggest viewing this feature. it is truly quite a treat.

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[Sitges FF] The shadow. Rarely have shadows produced so much chill. The multi-faceted director builds a superb representation of the world of dreams / nightmares. It achieves an atmosphere of constant unease, thanks to a claustrophobic cinematography of grays and blues, in which reality and dreams are progressively confused, and to one of the best scores of the genre this year. We end up immersed in a world of dreams, trapped in a nightmare from which we have no escape.

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The most unique movie I have seen in years! Deeply unsettling, beguiling, always discomforting, smart and sometimes even hypnotic. Camera, sound and score are amazing. Check this one out if you can, it has the potential to become big.

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