Personal Lists featuring...

Cool Hand Luke 1967


As The Fall Semester Nears At NYU Grad, We Thought We Would Reprint My Revised Essential Film List (With Women Directors). Many Of You Informed Me Of That Omission. Thank You For That Coat Pulling.


Every movie featured in a Cinefix top ten video all in one place.


I've got the 10th edition of the German translation of "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die". It's a 960-paged book edited by Steven Jay Schneider, containing the combined knowledge of 77 internationally renowned movie ciritics, with short one to half-sided essays, movie credits, and trivia, throughout all genres and countries.

There are already a number of lists out, however, this book is reviewed every year, and as far as I can tell (I did go through a lot of these lists) non depicts the 2013 edition I possess, which ends with Life of Pi. I then thought of the ideal list being on that includes all movies, starting from the original list from 2003, with all the editions but non of the removals since then. Thanks to the internet, such list exists and therefore I will be adding these here, one by one. I did not "rank" them, because actually the book doesn't either - they are ordered by year and that is as meaningful as any other order I guess. Also, the "ranked lists" all have the problem that some movies are removed, which is why a number of people think about how to renumber this list probably... all things I deem unnecessary.

And yes, I intend to watch them all! If you watch one of them every week, it's just a 20 years task :D


1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is a film reference book edited by Steven Jay Schneider with original essays on each film contributed by over 70 film critics.



by physik


Classics and Musicals

by Deleted

Classic movies and TV


Sci Fi, Comic book, Indy Jones, Fantasy, Fun type movies


1001 Must See Movies Before You Die

by payt1


Movies and series referenced in The Simpsons. Not finished, current status 7x08 Mother Simpson


1001 Movies to see before you die

by Deleted


Reaping only the best
