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Cosmopolis 2012

This whole movie felt like a fever dream. A welcome change of pace from the mindless rot of your typical fast food type action/comedy/drama films, so long as you go in with both eyes open.

This movie is surreal, disconnected, bizarre, slow and strange. I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone, but I’m also not sure who I’d recommend it to.

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"Everything is a tragedy. Dying is a tragedy but we all do."

This feel like this movie was overhyped a bit, and I can see why. Robert Pattinson is a a fascinating actor to watch in different genres, and while that is still true in this, I was just bored overall.

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I actually enjoyed that quite a lot.

Self-inflicted solitary confinement with a window to the world and occasional guests, isn’t that the dream?

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Like a day of Zoom meetings, it's exhausting, I don't really know what's going on but I don't really care.

I bet David Cronenberg has a notebook with random thoughts and he just put Pattinson in the back of a limo and told him to read them.

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Shout by tvJackson
BlockedParent2021-01-18T03:45:04Z— updated 2021-01-23T21:46:39Z

Its hard to tell if it's supposed to be the same day.

He is being driven in his stretch limo, and every now and then there are different people in the car with him.

He has different conversations with these people, but they don't build or equal an entertaining story. It's just random talking. It goes on for as long as you can take it, till you turn the movie off...

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1h and 49m of my life I'll never get back!

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This movie reminds me of the feeling I had after watching Knight of Cups (2015).
I’d say deeply unsatisfied with a vague awareness that the movie is supposed to be insightful; I barely grasped like half of the dialogue and what I did understand felt pretentious and too distant for me to actually care!

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One of the weirdest movies I've ever seen! EVER!

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I didn't understand this movie...

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Cronenbergs pet movie. Clearly complete creative freedom exercised by him. And why not after the last couple of blockbusters. Will polarise opinion.

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Tripe. Nonsense.

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Absurd. Nonsense.

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Last 10 mins were great. The scene with Paul giamati. All made sense in the end

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Shout by Deleted

Stopped watching about 30 minutes in.

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Great movie!

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