Personal Lists featuring...

Creepshow 2 1987


IMDb's Top Movies from 1987.

Minimum of 25,000 votes, minimum rating of 6.0, maximum of 100 movies.

Last Updated: June 25, 2024


Shudder horror titles. Updated regularly.

Last update: 3/20/2024


Each week, the FilmSack crew picks a strange movie from the bowels of Netflix streaming and splatters it all over your inner ear. Sometimes it’s a long forgotten horror movie from the 70′. Sometimes it’s a under the radar gem of brilliance from last year. One way or the other, this is not your typical movie show.

Join Scott Johnson and his FilmSack pals, Brian Ibbot, Brian Dunaway, and Randy Jordan, as they swim in a big vat of film-nerd sweat, and capture it all on tape!


Got old during the pandemic, don't wanna go out any more. Just gonna keep watching movies.


Movies within the genre of horror, sci fi, fantasy or mystery.
Mostly low budget or at least not very well known.
Not all of them are necessarily good, but interesting in their own way if you approach with the right mindset.


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 10000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-08-23


Mom and Dad Save The World.


Stephen King adaptations.


Horror Film Collection


Pretty complete list with over 2,000 entries. All are in alphabetical order, order of release or to be watch in a sequence as part of the so called "universe", like for instance the Conjuring-universe, or part of an anthology or serie. Anything missing or to add, please let me know.
*Last update 06/03/2024


A collection of Halloween movies…. classics and new!
