Shouts about...

Cube 1998

Classic indie sci-fi thriller. Has you on your toes for a hour an a half.

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Cube is an average sci-fi horror thriller movie. It could have been a very good sci-fi horror thriller movie, but two things ruined it for me. First, it had lots of bad language. I counted at least 25 bad words, all of which were unnecessary. Second, Cube had a giant plot hole at the end, which ruined the ending of the movie. Three people got to the final room which took them to the bridge room and then the exit. And then suddenly a fourth person makes it to the exit room, without being in the final room or the bridge room?? How? That wasn't possible. That ruined the whole sci-fi premise the movie had just set up, and ruined the continuity of the movie. So that was a massive hole in the plot, right at the end of an otherwise good sci-fi horror movie.

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I can't recommend this enough. Mind bending concept and really well executed on a small budget.

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Simple yet interesting concept with engaging characters. The ending was a bit too hard to believe though: Quentin not only managed to get to the last room, but he also did it without anyone noticing and then, to top it all off, he impaled a girl using a blunt door handle. Worth watching regardless.

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10/10 if I watched this in 1997
7/10 because I watched it in 2023

A very good physiological sci-fi movie. Ahead of time. Must watch!

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Cube’:

  1. Despite an interesting premise that may have inspired future movies, this is most certainly added to the list of films with annoyingly dissatisfying endings.

  2. If I was meant to despise each and every aspect of the character Quentin, the film succeeded there. I hated every single bug-eyed moment of his stupid pouty face. Simply despicable.

  3. Worth’s role in the cube-making made little sense. One minute he’s saying he knows nothing about it, next he’s telling Holloway when they started putting people in it. In fact, much of the dialogue had little substance or meaning.

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Either the darkest and greatest sci-fi mystery/horror, or the worst. Depends on the mood your in going into this. Definitely the best in the trilogy, I know right, 2 more cube's to go.

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"Cube" is entertaining. I enjoyed the mystery and the math. There was a lot of tension between the characters which added to a sense of hopelessness during the group's attempted escapes. The movie has plenty of social commentary that comes in the form of hatred between members of the group. The Cube itself is a neat creation but the movie's ending was a bit of a letdown as tension builds up throughout. A lot of questions are unanswered but having them remain curiosities adds to the film's appeal.

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The first 30min where insane also the kills... saw this as a kid was fucked up such a brutal kill in a mystery movie xD ... lol but later low budget kills... was not even sure why not show the elevator kill....

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almost unwatchable, couldn't even make it past the first 10 minutes

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Really interesting concept, done pretty well! The small cast keeps things from getting confusing, and I like that the viewer is just thrown in with very little explanation. It felt to me sort of like Saw before Saw was cool, and more cerebral horror than the full-on gorefest of that series. Feels like one I could watch a second time, at the very least. The acting was weak in places but it didn't keep the movie from being interesting.

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Simple and good idea with ok movie.

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Really tight and concise sci-fi horror with some interesting math and logic puzzles. New questions arise every few minutes and much of the mystery is retained through to the end. Since this entire movie takes place on a set that is a single room, there's a sense of it being very claustrophobic and outside of reality.

I had a full belly laugh the first time the music played with the vocalist going "ha-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch"

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The acting was bad, and a better end could have been designed.

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For being so low budget, it is a compelling story. Absolutely the psychological thriller you want to watch if you are limited to movies that are free on YouTube.

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Seeing this 1998 movie in 2020 makes me think it must have been mind-blowing when it was released. It is amazing.

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the movie is interesting and the concept is cool, it has that thing that many movies in the 80s/90s had where dialogues feel very....fragmented, strange and incoherent. I don't hate it though, they give a certain feeling to the movie that is just...different.

I enjoyed it, so I would recommend it, but only to people that are not bothered by the strange dialogues

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I'm really impressed how good that movie aged. More than 20 Years and except for a few cgi effects it is still a very good sci-fi mystery. Due to being very visually gory I wouldn't recommend it to everybody but if you don't have a problem with that you should give it a try. I also liked the dense story which is told completely inside the cubes from start to end.

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I can’t believe that this is a cult classic.
Yeah, it’s a cool idea, but the acting, dialogue, cinematography and editing: holy shit.
It fails on just about every basic level that a movie can fail at.


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I'm honestly really surprised by the high rating. I may be more disappointed due to the hype surrounding this film, but I was really shocked with how awful this was. The concept is certainly interesting, but it is executed terribly, even considering when the movie was made. The acting is the first issue - in many instances, it's just bad. Dialogue is cheesy and unrealistic. And finally, the plot has no semblance of resolution, and there's not even detail enough provided for the viewer to make their own interesting interpretations. Overall, just a really mediocre film.

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Excellent recommended viewing. Well worth a watch.

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It’s been awhile since I last watched this film and still good as the first time around. I would like to see a remake because I think it’s a smart idea for a plot and with a good cast and director behind it would probably turn out great.

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A great concept, interesting character dynamics on paper, and fantastic direction for a low budget scifi horror film. Sadly, the acting is honestly garbage from everyone involved, and the character interactions are the star of the show.

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Image and sound 3.75 / 5. She's as different, and anguished as ever.

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The acting is so terrible that you wanna puke

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Only seemed a bit low budget at times, like with a few lines being acted. The low-mid budget makes me admire it more. Most of it was shot with hand-held cameras, and it looks good.

This movie was entertaining, interesting and not too long. A simple idea that really worked. The horror was adequate. The mystery worked for as long as it needed. Tension at the right times...
Some say the characters are cliché. I don't know what charcaters people expected in a movie like this. I think the characters serve their purpose very well. Don't forget they were selected for being such characters, which kind of helps them being the stereotypes they are.
I'd have like more of a better conclusion at the end.

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This is a classic low-budget sci-fi film that delivers good the chills and agony. Really good story and satisfying throughout the movie

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Don't watch the second and third sequels. they suck. this one is the best

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Shout by Deleted

It's so disappointing to have such an original concept be developed into a script with every single cliche in the book. The movie has some very good suspenseful moments, but it's weak script and poor acting from the antagonist destroy the great movie this could have been.

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When leaving the cinema after watch CUBE I was disappointed because of the weak ending. The rest of the movie would have been good but gory & quite brutal.

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Urgh that end was frustrating...

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I can't believe it took me so long to stumble upon the Cube movies. My sister and I watched all three recently for the first time. We loved them. This one, the first, was definitely the best.

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  • Is that your two bits worth, Worth?
  • For what it's worth.
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I liked the plot,but the ending was disappointing.

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I really like the concept of this movie, one of the most interesting I've ever seen.

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Man, I love this movie so much. I wish the sequels lived up to the same standards.

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Before "Saw", there was "Cube", a low budget Sci-Fi/Thriller with a very cool concept but limited character development and a few major plot holes. But despite this, "Cube" still is a very watchable film, but not one to take seriously.

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