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Dante's Peak 1997

Another solid disaster picture. Follows the typical beats and characters a movie like this usually does, but it does it nicely. Brosnan is really likeable in it, as is his relationship with Hamilton.

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Dante's Peak is the ultimate cheese fest. Its kind of in so bad its good territory with Pierce Brosnan and Linda Hamilton leading the way. The volcano erupts and all the craziness ensues. There are a lot of characters that do stupid things in this movie in order to suit the plot but the overall film is still quite fun.

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A dumb fun movie that gets exceptionally dumb towards the end. Enjoy with a bowl of popcorn and logic turned off. Disasters are my passion.

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One of my favourite movies!!
Love it! The town os so cute, defo on my to go list

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Still love this movie.. Sure it gets unrealistic near the end but still a good popcorn movie :)

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For all the mixed reviews I see, I actually enjoyed it. It's one of the few times I felt positive about a film, while wondering what went wrong with a lot of people. If this were made in 1988, maybe it would been upheld in a better light. I think this doesn't hit the cultural zeitgeist of the late 90s, not does it showcase the greatest in special effects.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Classic disaster movie for me. Remember renting it from the video shop as a kid and enjoying it back then too. Watching now as an adult I appreciated the connection between the leads more too. And the chemistry in the moments of them nearly kissing. Most films would have had them sleep together before the action kicked off but this was just right and you felt the frustration!
Disbelief has to be suspended to enjoy most of this genre of films and it works well. The action and effects still stand up!

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Yes...I've said so before. I like disaster films!!!


A rewatch of one of my personal favourites.

I'm not going to give you a whole spiel about why you need to see Dante's Peak, because that never really works with disaster movies. Either you like them, and have probably seen it, or you don't like them, and think I am the biggest idiot this side of the Day after Tomorrow. I like it, and that is all that matters really...

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a bit unrealistic but I still love it

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The first thing you should abandon in a catastrophe like this? Your stupid children. Unless you have 1990s James Bond, a not so acid-resistant mother-in-law, but a fire-resistant truck and a GPS tracker from NASA on hand.

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Biescas volcanic. The script is a joke.

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