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Date Movie 2006


Shout by Dann Michalski
BlockedParent2023-02-09T17:00:18Z— updated 2023-05-04T13:30:21Z

Complete garbage, Date Movie is everything that’s bad and obnoxious about spoof comedies. Rather than parody one or two main films (like the Scary Movies), over two dozen romantic comedies, including Shallow Hall, Bridget Jones, Hitch, When Harry Met Sally, Meet the Parents, Pretty Woman, The Wedding Planner, and My Best Friend’s Wedding, are put into a blender; resulting in a slapdashed, tonally inconsistent string of skits. And supplementing those are randomly thrown in sight gags and raunchy jokes that come off as incredibly desperate. Date Movie delivers a few laughs here and there, but is a total trainwreck – throwing everything it can at the wall trying to get something to stick.

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Just a really bad spoof movie. No laughs through the entire thing.

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Worst spoof movie ever, I have seen almost all spoof movies but this is the worst. I didn't even smile once.

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Shout by Catherine Michelle

One of the least awful satires to come out of the US I guess.

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amazingly bad, i cant look away. they certainly caugth my attention. hahahh

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Anyone involved in making this & Epic movie, or any of the others related to it, should never work in the industry again. It's so far beyond trash, I'm bummed any of these actors participated in it

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Shout by Deleted

I couldn't even make it past 16 minutes. This movie really is as bad as critics say it is.

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