Shouts about...

Dawn of the Dead 2004

The opening scene of this movie the "Dawn" when the little girl attacks and the neighborhood erupts in chaos bordered on amazing. Once that's done though the movie predictably turns up the gore and turns down the scares. The next best thing is the home video-like shots of the survivors landing on an island that are mixed in with the closing credits. This movie is better than most current horror fare but it's mostly just a lot of blood and guts.

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It was OK. Overrated, but worth a watch if you're a zombie fan. Not as good as the original. There's still enough Romero present with humour and intense character decisions. It doesn't say anything deeper than just being a basic zombie movie but the ending was some good action.

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seeing ty burrell as a prick was oddly satisfying

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How could you guys possibly like this???

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I know a lot of people complain about the concept of fast-moving zombies. Take heart though, fans. It is the LAST time that Zack Snyder will EVER do anything fast ever again. From here on out, you have a one-way ticket to the Slo-Mo Express!

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"Hell is overflowing. And Satan is sending his dead to us."

Snyder had so much fun with this one. I am happy that while his style has changed over the years, we still have this raw lower budget zombie film that haunted me for a while. Out of all horror remakes, this is definitely one of the better ones.

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I have such mixed feelings about this one. While it does attempt to improve on the original visually, I could care less about the characters and their awful acting.

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C.J. He shouldn't die in the end in my opinion.
very good movie.

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Zack Snyder doesn't get a lot of respect these days, outside his hardcore fanbase but he did an amazing job here. Especially for a debut.
I can see why some people think it's better than the original.
On a more shallow note, how attractive is Sarah Polley on this? It's interesting seeing her in this movie considering there's nothing mainstream entertainment in her body of work.

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Look no more… this is the best opening for a Zombie apocalypse

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Nearly 20 years later and this movie still holds up as one of my favorite zombie, horror, and remakes of all time. There’s a certain brutality that stands out compared to other zombie media. There’s a certain hopelessness in the apocalypse that stands out compared to other horror movies. This is Zack Snyder at his finest, and one I will continue to compare most new movies to for a long while.

Rating: 5/5 (:star:) - 10/10 - Must See

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:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:4/5 :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:

exactly what it says on the tin.

not high cinema but it’s a genuinely good time with some fun, wacky gore. got an extra half a star for not having any gratuitous sexual violence either; these days, it’s like all the apocalypse movies can’t do without that so this was refreshing. people were shitty in tons of other ways, which also tracks but overall id say this movie was also weirdly hopeful? lol.

those zombies were fast as hell but the crew(most of them)put up a good fight. personally id have given up the first time i saw a person rage out and take a bite out of another person. but that’s me! :pound_symbol:apocalypseNO

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Shout by Deleted

Alternative universe Phil Dunphy was a hoot.

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[Netflix] Zack Snyder reinterpreted George A. Romero's Marxist dialectic versus consumer society to introduce through flashes the identification of mindless zombies, dehumanized beings, with Arab fundamentalism. American citizens trapped in their own territory (which is, of course, a commercial center) confronting hordes of attackers who embrace the religion of gratuitous violence.

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One of my favorites.. Love this one

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I love this movie. Zombies are muy favourite monster

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The only reason I didn't give this a 3 is because Sarah Polley was in it.

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Good thriller with zombies 7.1/10 Some stupid desicions and mindless plot characters made it worse though than it could be..

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Good but why the characters make all the stupid decisions in this movie? Very very stupid decisions the make!!

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Holy hell I can't believe it, I found a Zack Snyder movie I actually like! Beyond solid remake of one of my favorite zombie flicks ever.

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The best zombie movie I've seen. The plot in the mall is perfect.

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Do you feel that?? Ohhhhhhhhhh shit.. wah-ah-ah-ah..wah-ah-ah-aaahhh..Get up, come on get down with the sickness..Open up your hate and let it flow into me

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Such a fantastic remake. Very different from the original, and I love them both for very different reasons, but it's just such a great thrill ride. Falls apart a little at the end, but it's still soo damn good.

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One of the best zombie movies.

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the reinvent of modern age zombie movie, masterpiece !

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Good remake of Romero's "Night of the Living Dead": lots of action, cool zombies (although I don't understand why they can run this time?!?!) and some rather scary moments make this one a worthy watch and waaaay better than the original movie IMHO...

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I think this is the best zombiemovie ever made.

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Awesome movie! I love zombie movies, and I think this is one of my favourite ones!

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