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Deadstream 2022

this movie was surprisingly good, the comic reliefs were integral part of fun

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"Subtle" balance between straight up comedy & horror, never saw a film quite like that before :joy:

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I hate when a movie doesn't meet my expectations. Cause I was settling in for a terribly bad horror movie but it turned to be super entertaining and kept my full attention the entire runtime.

Also nice Army of Darkness reference on the Ouija board.

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It was a terrifying yet fun thrill ride.

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A terrifying and fun thrill ride from beginning to end.

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Shawn is an amalgam of internet personalities with their over the top antics and obnoxious behaviour. But I found him hilarious and unexpectedly endearing in the end.

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This found footage horror comedy is a heck of a lot of fun. While quite formulaic to the subgenre, it finds enough new ground to entertain. Both horror and comedy elements work so well together making it a scary and entertaining ride. The use of camera is mostly logical until the very end, meaning the attention to details to avoid any breaks in the logic of the FF style is quite impressive. That's more than most of these films succeed at doing. Most of the spooky moments come from the haunted house setting and decent practical effects. It lays heavy on the comedy but still packs in the scare department. The lead actor nails the incredibly annoying fame seeking content creator persona and manages to keep me fully engaged with his stream. Worth a watch if you're a fan of found footage.

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This was so much fun! A found footage horror comedy with lots of scares. The line between scary and laughable is thin but for me it was the perfect balance. I was scared in moments and laughing hard in others. Shawn is quite hilarious and charismatic. It has lots of gory and gross moments but can also be campy fun in others. This is perfect for the Halloween season!

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That was hilarious,one of the best found footage films I've seen

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This was way too much fun for what it was. I usually despise comedy horrors, and especially after Dashcam, I went into this heavily skeptical of the format. However, Joesph Winter manages to portray Shawn in a way that's the perfect mix of annoying and funny, elevating this movie far higher than it had any right to be. It still suffers with a bit of a dud ending and some ropey, drawn out scares, but the ride is fun and some of the jokes really do land where they normally don't. Good stuff Shudder, I do love when you prove me wrong.

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Blair Witch Project meets Logan Paul.
The idea of making a streamer with the appropriate technology the main character frees the film from many illogical moments that other found footage films often have with regard to the material. The main character holds the camera on it at the most impossible moments, does everything for clicks and even cracks a stupid joke at the creepiest, or turns on the specially compiled "Shawn Carpenter" soundtrack. Although I didn't expect the mix of horror, found footage and comedy to work, in summary I have to say I had an entertaining and enjoyable time with the film. I was scared, I laughed and I think that's all the film was trying to achieve.

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Never heard a full-grown man scream so much.

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Clever parody of the youtuber's world and the found footage horror genre. Homage to Raimi's Evil Dead saga. Extremely funny and quite scary.

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The Evil Dead of the 2020's - a cult film in the making. There have been a few movies like this one but this is by far the best. A pleasant surprise.

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wow i did not expect that. usually streaming in movies is pretty cringe but here it felt definitely real and i had a really good time. funny, scary, interesting. better than the average found footage movie in the last years. you should check it out if you wanna see something different with an eye wink.

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Surprisingly funny. Would watch again.

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a funny found footage take, absolutely worth a watch.

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A good mix of humour and horror. I did feel like it went on for 30 min longer than the runtime suggested; however. I enjoy a good meta horror comedy though. It's not actually scary, so don't go in thinking it will be. Some good jump scares but it's mostly just the obnoxious star screaming and being made fun of by his streaming audience w some well timed humour thrown in. For the low budget it has it was much better than it really had any right to be. 6.6

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It started out with some jump scares but by then end, it was just comical.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Deadstream’:

  1. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a “live-streaming my night in a haunted house” story, but there is some originality here, mostly found in its solid dose of humor.

  2. My only qualms with the film were a fair amount of predictability and a bit of overacting. I saw a lot coming.

  3. It did get pretty ridiculous, but it worked. It was almost a parody of “found footage” films. Never meant to be taken seriously. Spooky, mindless entertainment.

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Had a few moments here and there but mostly flat. I don’t get the Evil Dead comparisons, not the same on any level. This was very meh.

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The It's a Small World of found footage films: it's fun but not that fun.

As the original found footage slut, I of course liked this movie because there's no such thing as bad found footage, but the low budget practical effects and especially the annoying lead actor meant this was less good than average found footage.

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Guy was so annoying. One of the worst "found footage" movies ever made.

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The poster looks nice, I guess?

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If Resident Evil 7 was a Twitch stream.

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I wasn't expecting much from this movie but I loved it. It kind of reminded me of Evil Dead.

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This is a lot of fun, handles the humor and horror balance really well. Very inventive with the format and the practical effects are great. Pumpkin spiced certified for sure

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